
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Labour: Democracy versus patronage

06 Feb 2014

The stench of leader loyalty hangs over the Collins proposals to ‘mend’ Labour’s trade union link, writes Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists

Italy: Back into the centre of politics

06 Feb 2014

Haggling over the new electoral law has given the former premier some breathing space, writes Toby Abse

Ukraine: Great power tug of war

06 Feb 2014

The US and the EU are on one side, Russia is on the other; the human victims are the Ukrainian population, writes Eddie Ford

UAF demands state ban

30 Jan 2014

The leader of a Hungarian far-right party was allowed to visit London - despite protests. Daniel Harvey reports

Legacy of the Arab spring

30 Jan 2014

Three years after the start of the mass revolts Yassamine Mather assesses the situation in Tunisia and Egypt

Dieudonné’s calculated anti-Semitism

30 Jan 2014

Free speech is too valuable a weapon to be thrown away. Eddie Ford calls for unequivocal opposition to state bans on racists and fascists

Class unity requires left unity

23 Jan 2014

Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists looks at Andrew Murray’s rejection of the new LU party

Immigration: Chauvinist demagoguery

16 Jan 2014

Paul Demarty looks at the poisonous bilge of our native reactionaries

Review: Fascism’s local history offensive

16 Jan 2014

Gordon Stridiron, 'Blackshirts in Geordieland', Black House Publishing 2013, pp260, £12

Review: How to guard against state agents

16 Jan 2014

Rob Evans and Paul Lewis Undercover: the true story of Britain’s secret police Faber and Faber, 2013, pp346, £12.99

Corrupt to the core

16 Jan 2014

We should welcome the fact that state institutions, in particular the police, are being so thoroughly exposed, writes Eddie Ford

Nick Griffin: A rat on a sinking ship

09 Jan 2014

The collapsing British National Party is the victim of its own contradictions, not anti-fascism, writes Paul Demarty

Biggest union ready to split historic ANC alliance

09 Jan 2014

Things in the workers’ movement are very fluid, writes Peter Manson. The South African Communist Party is certainly heading for a profound crisis

North Korea: A very Kimist purge

19 Dec 2013

The bureaucratic apparatus in North Korea is becoming increasingly dysfunctional, writes Eddie Ford

Mandela: He was a bourgeois hero

12 Dec 2013

South African Marxist Hillel Ticktin discusses the role of Nelson Mandela with Peter Manson

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