
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

May 22: Reaction on the march

29 May 2014

Good results for Ukip, and a lukewarm reception for Labour - Paul Demarty argues that the election results exemplify society’s rightward drift

India: Modi-fication of democracy

29 May 2014

The seeds sown by Congress have borne authoritarian fruit, writes Murzban Jal

Scotland: Nothing progressive about nationalism

29 May 2014

Sarah McDonald reports on a clumsy attempt to railroad Left Unity Scotland into support for a ‘yes’

Europe: Alternative to populism

29 May 2014

Have the courage to think of a different Europe, urges Yassamine Mather

BNP: Death bed performance

29 May 2014

Back in the real world, writes Eddie Ford, it was the BBC that ‘did’ Nick Griffin - not Unite Against Fascism or Hope Not Hate

Interview: Don't march with nationalists

22 May 2014

Tina Becker spoke to Sandy McBurney of Glasgow Left Unity about the September 18 referendum

Italy: Courtrooms and backhanders

22 May 2014

The corruption that afflicts the highest echelons of Italian society is reminiscent of the series of scandals that led to the downfall of the First Republic, writes Toby Abse

Triumph of the butcher of Gujarat

22 May 2014

There is a real danger of a wave of reaction following the general election, warns Jim Moody

Lack of democracy, lack of safety

22 May 2014

Soma exposes the double brutality of Turkey’s crony capitalism, writes Esen Uslu

The real price of coal

22 May 2014

Privatisation and intensified competition has driven the attack on mining safety standards everywhere, writes David Douglass of the National Union of Mineworkers

SWP: Outriders for the establishment

22 May 2014

Wagging your finger at people for voting for the ‘racist’ Ukip is the wrong approach, says Eddie Ford

Egypt: ‘Road map to democracy’ sham

22 May 2014

The coup may have been aimed at the Muslim Brotherhood, writes Yassamine Mather, but now the working class is under attack too

The worker has no country

22 May 2014

As the imperialists prepare to celebrate the slaughter that was World War I, Chris Gray examines the phenomenon of nationalism

Six Counties can of worms

22 May 2014

Yassamine Mather analyses the Gerry Adams arrest

Ottoman genocide remembered

22 May 2014

Last week saw the 99th anniversary of the first detentions which led to the Meds Yeghern slaughter. Esen Uslu explains how a ‘Turkish’ state was created out of the Ottoman empire

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