
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Cameron shuffles to the right

24 Jul 2014

The Tory reshuffle sees David Cameron shoring up his right flank in the run-up to the 2015 general election, writes Paul Demarty

Awakened to the class struggle

17 Jul 2014

Mark Fischer introduces another Leninist reprint; Rebecca Sachs on the political transformation of women involved in the miner's strike

Enough bluster and bullshit

17 Jul 2014

Last week saw a major strike of public-sector workers. Daniel Harvey looks at the aftermath

ANC hold on unions weakens

11 Jul 2014

The metalworkers are seeking to emulate the success of the platinum strikers, writes Peter Manson

Protected by the establishment

03 Jul 2014

Rolf Harris, Jimmy Savile and Andy Coulson all had friends in high places, writes Eddie Ford

‘Christ of nations’ in London

03 Jul 2014

Migrant workers have class interests, not Polish interests, argues Maciej Zurowski

CPGB aggregate: Arguments strengthened

03 Jul 2014

Micky Coulter reports on an impassioned debate between CPGB members

Cameron: Boxed into a tight corner

26 Jun 2014

David Cameron’s incompetent campaign against Jean-Claude Juncker has exposed his lack of bargaining power within Europe, says Eddie Ford

Scotland: Sinking loyalism and lifeboat nationalism

26 Jun 2014

Jack Conrad looks at the politics of September 18

Both campaigns are US allies and friends

12 Jun 2014

September 18 referendum has nothing to do with preserving working class unity, argues Eddie Ford

M5S takes ex-communist stronghold

12 Jun 2014

Despite the views of some who ought to know better, there is nothing progressive about Beppe Grillo, argues Toby Abse

Our men in Kiev and Donetsk

05 Jun 2014

The far right are enemies, not friends, says Eddie Ford

Countering illusions

05 Jun 2014

During the 20th anniversary of the miner's Great Strike, we have been reprinting articles from The Leninist, forerunner of the paper you're reading now

Still committed to Labour

05 Jun 2014

Dean Kirk is of a rare political breed - along with Gill Kennett he was a Labour councillor in Hull who refused to vote for a cuts budget and was therefore suspended from the Labour group. He spoke to Mark Fischer

Renzi's rightward march

05 Jun 2014

Last week’s elections have confirmed the trajectory of ‘Italy’s Tony Blair’, writes Toby Abse

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