
Capitalism & Crisis

The decline of money

01 Mar 2012

If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money

Prepare for the scarring

07 May 2020

After the lockdown ends we should expect the worst, warns Michael Roberts

Hitting the poor

30 Apr 2020

Peter Manson welcomes the limited success in restricting the pandemic, but it is clear that the problems are structural

Crisis and consequences

23 Apr 2020

Mike Macnair speculates about the longer-term effects of the Covid-19 shutdown

Euro’s corona crisis

23 Apr 2020

Covid-19 has brought EU contradictions to the fore, argues Michael Roberts

Testimony to failure

17 Apr 2020

Covid-19 highlights criminal levels of state dysfunction and inequality, writes Eddie Ford

Coronavirus and capitalism

17 Apr 2020

What characterises modern epidemics? Mohsen Shahmanesh places the current crisis in context

Self-organisation and solidarity

02 Apr 2020

Mutual aid is a positive development, writes Eddie Ford - so is the involvement of the left.

A war economy?

02 Apr 2020

What the pandemic has demonstrated, writes Michael Roberts, is that in a crisis the capitalist state has no alternative but to suppress the ‘free market’

An empire unravelling

02 Apr 2020

Daniel Lazare believes that Covid-19 could mean the end for the USA in its current form

The ‘Blitz spirit’

02 Apr 2020

Are we ‘all in it together’? Paul Demarty investigates

The Engels pause

20 Mar 2020

As we approach the 200th anniversary of Friedrich Engels’ birth, Michael Roberts< recalls the contribution he made to Marxist political economy.

Coronavirus, oil and capitalist decline

19 Mar 2020

Rex Dunn explains why he thinks they are all connected.

Bankruptcy of neoliberalism

19 Mar 2020

With countries everywhere on a ‘war footing’, writes Eddie Ford, the pandemic shows the necessity of global social control.

Coronavirus and the G20

29 Feb 2020

Global capital is at a loss on how to prevent another slump, argues Michael Roberts.

The wealth of nations

31 Jan 2020

Michael Roberts examines the controversies about using gross domestic product as a measure.

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