
Party & Programme > Bolshevism

Fur flies over Lenin

22 Mar 2012

What has the debate over 1912 got to do with current communist practice? James Turley answers the philistines

Triumph of ‘revolutionary parliamentarism’

12 Oct 2017

Elections - as a means, not an end - were central to Lenin’s strategic thinking, argued August Nimtz in his concluding talk at the CPGB’s Communist University1

Taking elections seriously

05 Oct 2017

In his second talk at the Labour Party Marxists’ and CPGB’s Communist University, August H Nimtz looked at Lenin’s approach to the tsar’s first two dumas

Bringing Marx and Engels into the picture

21 Sep 2017

Continuity was the link between Marxism’s founders and 1917 Russia, argues August Nimtz, in the first of three talks he gave to the CPGB’s Communist University

In the footsteps of Lenin

21 Sep 2017

The official CPGB’s leading theoretician, Rajani Palme Dutt, followed the example of Lenin when assessing the reputation of Karl Kautsky, writes Lawrence Parker

Rearming the April theses

14 Sep 2017

With the help of some new insights, Rex Dunn argues that Lars T Lih’s continuity theory does not stand up, despite the new evidence he has uncovered

Giving 1917 real meaning

31 Aug 2017

Chris Gray reviews: China Miéville, October: the story of the Russian Revolution, Verso, 2017, pp369, £18.99

Lenin refutes a misreading of the April theses

31 Aug 2017

Reproducing a historic polemic

Lenin glosses the April theses

31 Aug 2017

In this fifth part of his series, Lars T Lih focuses on Lenin’s April 21 1917 Pravda article, ‘A basic question’

Supplement: The birth of a new system

10 Aug 2017

As well as celebrating the Russian Revolution, says Jack Conrad, we should never forget the counterrevolution

Supplement: Two excerpts from VN Zalezhskii’s ‘First legal PK’ published in Proletarskaia revoliutsiia, 1923, No1 (13)

27 Jul 2017

Part of the special supplement

Workers and soldiers: everything ‘in our favour’

27 Jul 2017

‘1917: The view from the streets’ - leaflets of the Russian Revolution, No16-17

Supplement: Thirteen to two?

27 Jul 2017

Did the Petrograd Bolsheviks overwhelmingly reject Lenin’s April theses when they were first proposed? The records show otherwise, argues Lars T Lih

Soviet leadership clashes with ranks

20 Jul 2017

‘1917: the view from the streets’ - leaflets of the Russian Revolution, No14-15

Crisis and degeneration

29 Jun 2017

David E Lowes (editor), Arthur Ransome Three accounts of revolutionary Russia Red Revenant, 2017, £6.90, pp212

First stage of the first revolution

29 Jun 2017

Lenin’s ‘Letter from afar’, as printed in Pravda, March 21 and 22 1917

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