
Party & Programme > Bolshevism

Fur flies over Lenin

22 Mar 2012

What has the debate over 1912 got to do with current communist practice? James Turley answers the philistines

Consistent Bolshevik message

07 Jan 2021

Did Lenin’s April theses lead to a complete change of policy? Lars T Lih continues his series, arguing that the opposite is the case

SCOTLAND SUPPLEMENT III - Separatism, federalism, centralism

17 Dec 2020

Breaking apart existing states is not the road to socialism, but the road to defeat, writes Jack Conrad

Principle, not dogma

17 Dec 2020

No one can discredit Marxism better than ‘Marxists’. Mike Macnair responds to criticisms from Gerry Downing and Levi Rafael


17 Dec 2020

Lev Kamenev in March-April 1917

A curious case

17 Dec 2020

Were the Bolsheviks under the leadership of Kamenev supporters of the Provisional Government and hostile to soviet power? Lars T Lih puts the story straight

Break with managerialism

29 Oct 2020

Martin Thomas’s response to Neil Faulkner misuses history to defend the bankrupt model of confessional sects, argues Mike Macnair

Zinoviev in Halle

15 Oct 2020

To mark the centenary of the pivotal Halle congress of the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany on October 20 1920, Ben Lewis looks at the lead-up to and consequences of Grigory Zinoviev’s marathon four-hour speech

Tall tales of 1912

10 Sep 2020

Stalin’s later version of the famous Prague conference of the RSDLP is a parody of his own views at the time, writes Lawrence Parker

The centrality of hegemony

07 May 2020

150 years after his birth, how to evaluate Lenin and his ideas? Lars T Lih emphasises his consistency

October shakes the British left

13 Feb 2020

William Sarsfield opens his series on the founding of the CPGB 100 years ago

World revolution had arrived

28 Nov 2019

This article is based on a talk given by James Harvey to Communist University 2019.

Prophet and poet of Russian Revolution

25 Apr 2019

Chris Knight looks at the legacy of Velimir Khlebnikov. This is an edited transcript of a talk given to Communist University 2018

Socialism and the national question

17 Jan 2019

Genuine liberation for Palestinians and Israelis alike must be seen in the context of an Arab and global revolution, argues David Markovich

Marxism versus holy script

10 Jan 2019

There are those on the left who still insist, for their own peculiar reasons, on getting the history of Bolshevism and the Russian Revolution radically wrong. Jack Conrad replies to Jim Creegan

The will to liberate

10 Jan 2019

Neglect of the woman question in the early Soviet republic was not the result of isolation and economic backwardness, argues Anne McShane

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