
Party & Programme > Bolshevism

Fur flies over Lenin

22 Mar 2012

What has the debate over 1912 got to do with current communist practice? James Turley answers the philistines

How women’s protest launched the revolution

09 Mar 2017

‘1917: the view from the streets’ - leaflets of the Russian Revolution, No5

Mayakovsky and the avant garde

09 Mar 2017

What was the truth about Soviet art? Rex Dunn looks at the real reasons behind its decay

The inferno erupts

02 Mar 2017

The struggle for women’s liberation cannot be left to the feminists. The Russian Revolution shows that women’s liberation and the struggle for socialism are inseparable, argues Anne McShane

A Turn in World Politics

16 Feb 2017

‘1917: the view from the streets’ - leaflets of the Russian Revolution, No4

Call for provisional government to bring freedom and peace

09 Feb 2017

‘1917: the view from the streets’ - leaflets of the Russian Revolution, No3

Berger and Stalinism

02 Feb 2017

John Berger had a complex and contradictory relationship with the world communist movement of the 1950s and 1960s, writes Lawrence Parker

Day of people’s wrath is near

26 Jan 2017

‘1917: the view from the streets’ - leaflets of the Russian Revolution, No2

Reason in revolt

19 Jan 2017

Lawrence Parker reviews: Paul Flewers and John McIlroy (editors) 1956: John Saville, EP Thompson and The Reasoner Merlin Press, 2016, pp450, £20.

Down with war - long live revolution!

08 Dec 2016

‘1917: the view from the streets’ - leaflets of the Russian Revolution, No1

Strengths and weaknesses

24 Nov 2016

Ian Birchall looks at the valuable work of Alfred Rosmer - in particular his book Lenin’s Moscow. This is an edited version of the talk given at Communist University in August 2016

The enigma of Kautsky

03 Nov 2016

Karl Kautsky saw the wage-earning working class as the social power that would bring about the end of capitalism, writes Marc Mulholland. But he refused to romanticise the proletariat

We need a brand new clause four

22 Sep 2016

The battle with the right is sure to intensify after Corbyn’s re-election. As part of that battle James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists calls for the adoption of new principles

End the bans and proscriptions

01 Sep 2016

Once the Labour Party was characterised by tolerance and inclusion, all working class organisations were welcome - no longer. James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists explores the history

Sources, streams and confluence

25 Aug 2016

Ben Lewis offers some thoughts on the origins of democratic centralism

Return of the popular front

28 Jul 2016

The desire for a ‘party of the 99%’ represents a form of political collapse, argues Eddie Ford

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