
Party & Programme > Bolshevism

Fur flies over Lenin

22 Mar 2012

What has the debate over 1912 got to do with current communist practice? James Turley answers the philistines

First plan backgrounds

15 Jun 2023

Planning and socialism are synonymous. However, as Jack Conrad argues in a two-part article, there is planning and planning. The Soviet Union’s first five-year plan owed more to chaos than plan

Zhenotdel and its travails

30 Mar 2023

In light of the ongoing Women, Life, Freedom protests in Iran, Anne McShane discussed with Yassamine Mather the lessons that can be drawn from the fight for women’s emancipation in post-revolutionary Russia

Dictating to power

16 Mar 2023

Marc Mulholland discusses the importance of the vote, the inadequacies of taxing the rich and why the path to working class power lies through extreme democracy

A tale of two phrases

09 Mar 2023

What did Marx mean by the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’? Marc Mulholland thinks the answer is closely bound up with ‘permanent revolution’

Centrality of involvement

02 Feb 2023

In light of the mass upsurge in Iran sparked by protests against the hijab, Yassamine Mather asked Anne McShane to speak about the lessons of history, in particular the fight against bourgeois feminism in the Second International and the role of Bolshevik women in Russia

Not equality to compete

19 Jan 2023

Communists should demand special measures to protect women from capitalist exploitation, not ‘genuine equality’ in the workplace. Daniel Lazare investigates the Pump Act

Shoras, party and programme

19 Jan 2023

Illusions in so-called bourgeois democracy persist - as do illusions in workers’ councils. Mike Macnair stresses the necessity of a mass party

Memory wars

17 Nov 2022

In the last of three articles marking the anniversary of the Russian Revolution, Jack Conrad looks at the differences between Lenin and the Old Bolsheviks in the spring of 1917

Memory wars - Part II

10 Nov 2022

In the second of three articles marking the anniversary of the Russian Revolution, Jack Conrad explores the rival parties, class blocs and the differences that separated Trotsky from Lenin

Memory wars - part I

03 Nov 2022

In the first of three articles marking the anniversary of the Russian Revolution, Jack Conrad explains that Trotsky’s 1924 Lessons of October has been widely accepted as a right and proper account. Certainly, when it comes to the left, however, that orthodoxy needs to be overthrown as a matter of urgency

Not one man! Not one penny!

29 Sep 2022

Demands for peace must be linked to the abolition of standing armies, a popular militia and the aim of ending capitalism. Mario Kessler celebrates the anti-militarism of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg

SUPPLEMENT: The general strike and classical Marxism

04 Aug 2022

First our own rulers

14 Jul 2022

Far from running out of troops and material and facing defeat, Russian forces continue to relentlessly advance. But, Alexander Gallus of the US journal Cosmonaut argues, for us the main enemy remains at home

The meaning of character

30 Jun 2022

When it comes to the Marxist programme, there are still some on what passes for the left today who will not - cannot - grasp basic, straightforward propositions. Whether that is due to a lack of elementary political education, the idiocy of isolation or factional animus is an open question. Jack Conrad replies to Andrew Northall

A very liberal convert

23 Jun 2022

Sir Bernard Pares was a bitter opponent of Bolshevism and actively supported the whites during the civil war. However, after his 1935 visit to Moscow, he became an apologist for the Stalin regime. Despite that, as Paul Flewers shows, he was still capable of penetrating insights

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