
Provisional Central Committee of the CPGB

Latest articles by Provisional Central Committee of the CPGB

Online Communist Forum, Sunday July 21 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday July 14 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday July 7 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday June 30 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday June 23 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday June 16 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday June 2 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday May 26 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday May 19 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday May 12 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday May 5 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday April 28 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday April 14 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday April 7 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday March 31 5pm BST

Online Communist Forum, Sunday March 24 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday March 17 5pm

Online Communist University Spring 2024: Their wars and ours

Friday March 1 to Sunday March 3

Online Communist Forum, Sunday February 25 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday February 18 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday February 11 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday February 4 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday January 28 5pm

Online communist forum

Sunday January 21 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday January 14 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday January 7 5pm

CPGB Provisional Central Committee: Statement on Israel-Gaza war

Online communist forum, Sunday December 17 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday December 10 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday November 26 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday November 19 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday November 12 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday November 5 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday October 29 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday October 22 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday October 15 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday October 1 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday September 24 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday September 17 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday September 3 5pm

A week in politics - political report from CPGB’s Provisional Central Committee and discussion

Online Communist Forum, Sunday August 6 5pm

Communist University 2023

A week of provocative and stimulating debates: Saturday August 12 to Saturday August 19 (inclusive)

Communist University 2023

A week of provocative and stimulating debates: Saturday August 12 to Saturday August 19 (inclusive)

Online Communist Forum, Sunday July 23 5pm

Communist University 2023

A week of provocative and stimulating debates: Saturday August 12 to Saturday August 19 (inclusive)

Online Communist Forum, Sunday July 16 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday July 9 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday July 2 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday June 18 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday June 11 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday May 28 5pm

Online Communist Forum, Sunday May 21 5pm

A week in politics - political report from CPGB’s Provisional Central Committee

Online Communist Forum Sunday May 14 5pm

Online Communist Forum Sunday May 7 5pm

Republicanism and the coronation’s pomp and circumstance - political report from CPGB’s Provisional Central Committee and discussion

Online Communist Forum, Sunday April 30 5pm

Was there a mandarin coup against Dominic Raab? - political report from CPGB’s Provisional Central Committee and discussion

Communist University 2023 Summer

Saturday August 12 to Saturday August 19 (inclusive)

Online Communist Forum

Sunday March 19 5pm - 'Climate change, peak strikes and the banking crisis: a week in politics'

Upholding the free speech principle

This statement has been issued in response to an exclusion by the Unofficial Weekly Worker Readers’ Group on the grounds of ‘transphobic’ speech

Political perspectives 2023

Introduced, debated, amended and agreed at February 12 annual general meeting of CPGB members

Class, nation and religion

These forty-one theses on the Arab awakening and Israel-Palestine were agreed by the CPGB membership aggregate in June 2011. Though obviously dated in this or that respect, the broad strategic outline remains all too relevant

Social-imperialism is betrayal

Joint statement

Drawing clear lines on Ukraine

The war is not just about Russia and Ukraine. Muriel Green reports on the CPGB’s March 12 online members’ meeting

Perspectives 2022

As proposed by the PCC and agreed by the AGM of CPGB members held on February 12

Corbyn and post-Corbyn Labour Party

Agreed by the January 25 meeting of CPGB members and supporters

Perspectives 2019-20

Unanimously agreed by CPGB members meeting on March 2 in London

NCG elections: no vote

A call from Labour Party Marxists

Prospects of a Corbyn government


Communist University 2017: Who is speaking and when

A list of speakers and current timetable

The Manchester bombing

Statement from the PCC of the CPGB

Final resolution

Adopted by the May 7, 2017 CPGB aggregate meeting

Vote Galloway

The following CPGB statement was issued prior to the May 5 election

Nationalise Tata

A statement from the Provisional Central Committee of the CPGB

SUPPLEMENT: Third programme of the Communist Party of Great Britain

This is the Draft programme of the CPGB as agreed by the Provisional Central Committee. It will be put before a special conference of CPGB members before the end of 2010. Comments, suggestions, and criticisms are welcome

Fight bomber Blair at polls

May Day statement

Two constitutions

Socialist Alliance Rugby conference

Frozen in dogma

Notes by Mark Fischer in consultation with PCC members

Hypocrisy - the proof

London Socialist Alliance

Harpal Brar invite

The fight for Party

Motions to the LSA submitted by the CPGB

Communists murdered

PCC solidarity

Open letters

The CPGB PCC has written to the NUJ Morning Star chapel and the CPB executive committee, declaring its support for the strike aims

Thesis on revolutionary openness

This thesis was discussed at the CPGB’s aggregate last weekend. Comrades from Manchester opposed it and presented an alternative motion. The thesis, itself the result of intense discussion and amendment, had the backing of the Provisional Central Committee and was overwhelmingly carried, but with the Manchester comrades voting against. Their own motion was then carried by a large majority. The Weekly Worker will be discussing this important question over the coming period

Thesis on factions

Agreed by the CPGB (PCC) and RDG (OC)

Resounding success

Theses on the results of the September 11 referendum

Vote of thanks

Obituary: Barbara Lewis

May 31 1931 - September 19 1997

Thesis on communist rapprochement

This thesis was agreed to by the Provisional Central Committee of the Communist Party of Great Britain and the Organising Committee of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) on August 10 1997

PCC statement

In response to requests from critics of our stance on the demand for a sovereign Scottish parliament, our Party leadership underlines its position on self-determination in this statement

INSERT: Communist Manifesto

General election '97

Thesis on the national question in Scotland

After a wide ranging discussion this thesis was passed unanimously by a CPGB aggregate on Sunday March 8

Real enemies of progressive socialism

The Weekly Worker has received a copy of a letter from Camden SLP chair Martyn Giscombe-Smith, which we publish below. We believe that the comrade is profoundly mistaken in announcing his resignation from the party, and urge him to reconsider. While he makes many valid criticisms and his frustration is understandable, he overlooks the key point: the SLP represents a left break from Labour of potentially great significance for the working class. All socialists should fight to shape the SLP into an organisation that is up to the job. It cannot be right to retire into the wilderness

Organisational questions?

Below we reprint recent exchanges between the Provisional Central Committee of the Communist Party and the Revolutionary Democratic Group on the question of communist rapprochement

OP and rapprochement

Since publishing the correspondence around the decision of Open Polemic comrades to withdraw from membership of the CPGB (see Weekly Worker May 19), we have heard little from them. All those involved in the rapprochement process, not least our own members, have been disturbed by this development, since no one has had the opportunity to discuss their actions with them. Whilst welcoming the proposals for discussions with the PCC, we would urge the comrades to open the discussion to all those who are for communist unity. We invite them again to make use of the paper and CPGB seminars.

Towards rapprochement

Some points of agreement between the Provisional Central Committee and the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the Socialist Workers Party)

Letters between parting OP comrades and the PCC

Irish Republican Socialist Party

Statement from the Provisional Central Committee of the Communist Party of Great Britain

Provisional Central Committee statement

Programmatic clarification: a reply to the RDG

For the IRA, against the British state!

Statement on the IRA bombing of Canary Wharf

For a reforged Communist Party of Great Britain

Minimal platform agreed by the Provisional Central Committee, CPGB and For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee (faction of the CPGB)

International polemical journal Call for sponsors

Issued at the Convention by Armani Arani for the Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran (Rahe Kargar) and John Bridge for the Communist Party of Great Britain (PCC), at the Convention

Opportunity lost

John Bridge reports on the Calcutta convention

For communist unity

Open letter to the SWP central committee

Communist Party Offensive 95

Theses on factions

CPGB Provisional Central Committee resolution agreed at the Party membership aggregate of June 4 1995

Revolutionary greetings

INSERT: Communist manifesto for the local council elections in 1995

The Communist Party of Great Britain is standing candidates in the local elections in Scotland and England. Our candidates have a very different message to the other parties. This is our election manifesto. It is a call to action for the working class throughout Britain. It is the only manifesto which begins to answer the needs of the working class. We should settle for nothing less. Vote communist and join the fight!