
Imperialism & War > United States

Nato paralysis and US decline

17 Jun 2011

No candidate to replace the USA exists or looks likely to arise, writes James Turley

Drugs war bad

29 Apr 2021

With ever increasing numbers of desperate Latin American people fleeing for their lives, Daniel Lazare looks at those on the left who refuse to address the central problem

Labour’s latest Waterloo

15 Apr 2021

The defeat of the campaign for union recognition at Amazon is not as straightforward as might be thought, argues Daniel Lazare

Playing into imperialist hands

08 Apr 2021

Foppe de Haan seems to have been taken in by the campaign to demonise China, argues Daniel Lazare

Not in the room

08 Apr 2021

With the US still not directly involved in the negotiations, Yassamine Mather considers prospects for a revived nuclear deal

No let up in cold war

01 Apr 2021

What is Joe Biden up to? Daniel Lazare looks at the wild allegations against Xi Jinping and China

Time is running out

11 Mar 2021

Yassamine Mather weighs up the state of play regarding attempts to revive the nuclear deal

System in reverse

11 Mar 2021

What does Joe Biden’s massive Covid relief package mean for ordinary working class people? Daniel Lazare looks behind the Keynesian promises of jam today and jam tomorrow

A central driver

04 Mar 2021

The unchanging constitution no longer ensures stability: quite the reverse. As shown by the January 6 attempted coup, it brings instability. Daniel Lazare defends his long held position

Trying to reverse the irreversible

25 Feb 2021

‘We’re back!’ cries Biden. But, asks Daniel Lazare, will its allies welcome the US as the undisputed global hegemon once again?

No escape from Earth

25 Feb 2021

Dreams of Martian colonies cannot substitute for revolutionary change on this planet, argues Paul Demarty

Drivers that led to January 6

18 Feb 2021

There was far more involved in the storming of the Capitol than an antiquated constitution and corrupt political parties. Jim Creegan responds to Daniel Lazare

Heading for self-destruction

18 Feb 2021

Impeachment and acquittal: but, says Daniel Lazare, Trump was guilty as charged

Bigger than January 6

11 Feb 2021

Donald Trump is now on trial before the Senate charged with inciting insurrection. Jack Conrad says the attempted self-coup began long before the January 6 storming of the Capitol

The meaning of January 6

04 Feb 2021

A riot, a coup attempt or something in between? Daniel Lazare responds to three recently published articles in the Weekly Worker

Old regime is cracking apart

28 Jan 2021

Not a Tudor but a Whig republic. Bradley Mayer sees change coming sooner than many expect

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