
Imperialism & War > United States

Nato paralysis and US decline

17 Jun 2011

No candidate to replace the USA exists or looks likely to arise, writes James Turley

Tears and yet more tears

05 Aug 2021

The more they blubber, writes Daniel Lazare, the more evident it becomes they have nothing to say

Contradictions intensify

29 Jul 2021

As Trump lays the ground for another presidential run, Republicans impose further restrictions on voting rights. Daniel Lazare sees a looming constitutional crisis

Leopard and its spots

22 Jul 2021

With or without monopolies, the basis of capitalist exploitation remains the same, argues Michael Roberts

Looking back over the ruins

15 Jul 2021

The final withdrawal of American troops must be put in the context of the April 1978 revolution and the subsequent reaction. The USA and Saudi Arabia armed, financed and promoted a counterrevolution, which included Osama bin Laden and al Qa’eda and ended in the triumph of the Taliban. This is an edited version of an article written by Jack Conrad and first published in June 2003. Its main target is Sean Matgamna, patriarch of the social-imperialist Alliance for Workers’ Liberty. Nowadays, the AWL describes the Taliban as “Islamo-fascist”; back then, though, they were “our kind of people”

Another forced scuttle

15 Jul 2021

There have been lies and lies and yet more lies. Daniel Lazare savages what has been a comprehensive failure, from the ‘light footprint’ military model to the final humiliating pull-out

Carrying the can

08 Jul 2021

The liberal establishment wants us to believe that the ‘war on terror’ was all Donald Rumsfeld’s fault. Daniel Lazare begs to disagree

Desperately clinging on

01 Jul 2021

The Putin-Biden summit illustrates one thing above all: US hypocrisy. Daniel Lazare looks at election interference and the debacle in Afghanistan

Paralysis of ruling elite

17 Jun 2021

The linkage between a frozen constitution, democratic decline and sexual rigidity is subtle yet powerful, argues Daniel Lazare

Fascism needs definition

17 Jun 2021

Marxism strives for clarity and telling the truth. Jack Conrad replies to Hasan Keser and Daniel Lazare

Texas and the F-word

10 Jun 2021

Can fascism be established in the absence of a working class threat? Daniel Lazare believes it is possible

Promises, losers and threats

10 Jun 2021

The G7 summit is going to see a reassertion of American hegemony. But, asks Eddie Ford, will this really mean a return of the social democratic consensus?

Where is America going?

03 Jun 2021

Has there been a social democratic turn following Joe Biden’s victory? Now, after all, his administration promises not only to tax the rich, but help the poor. Then there is China, the EU and the so-called third world. This is an edited version of the talk Hillel Ticktin gave to the May 27 Online Communist Forum

Flying saucers over Washington

03 Jun 2021

UFOs are back in the news again. Paul Demarty explores the cold war background and its exotic leftwing offshoots and variants

Strategic rivalries remain

27 May 2021

Daniel Lazare says ending tensions with Russia will take more than discarding opposition to Nord Stream 2

Assault on democracy

20 May 2021

Trump’s cult of the personality is taking on Bonapartist traits. Rather than a fellow member, he plainly sees himself as a monarch, lording over the GOP while in temporary exile. Daniel Lazare reports

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