
Imperialism & War > United States

Nato paralysis and US decline

17 Jun 2011

No candidate to replace the USA exists or looks likely to arise, writes James Turley

Republicans at odds

28 Jan 2021

Following the events of January 6, Jim Creegan looks at the state of play within the Grand Old Party

Goodbye Donald Trump

21 Jan 2021

The January 6 failed coup is a symptom of decay. Even with a near $2 trillion rescue package the Biden administration is unlikely to revive the American dream, says Jack Conrad

One episode in long-term process

21 Jan 2021

Vladimir Putin cannot be blamed for America’s worst president ever. Daniel Lazare assesses the four turbulent years

Open and honest debate

14 Jan 2021

The CPGB’s first online winter school proved to be a real success. James Harvey reports

End of internet anarchy

14 Jan 2021

Fallout from the Capitol invasion shows that pacification of social media is well underway, says Paul Demarty

Trump’s ‘march on Rome’

14 Jan 2021

The current US republic is heading towards an eventual downfall, contends Daniel Lazare

Rear-view mirror

07 Jan 2021

Are we approaching the end of US hegemony? Daniel Lazare discusses Biden’s likely role, following the years of Obama and Trump

A guide for the perplexed

17 Dec 2020

The country faces a systemic crisis. Daniel Lazare argues that ‘Repocratic’ politics inevitably leads to chaos

Attack on right to report

17 Dec 2020

Bernard Mattson investigates the charges against Julian Assange and finds them wanting

Just as we predicted

10 Dec 2020

It is clear from Biden’s cabinet appointments that he will preside over totally incoherent policies, writes Daniel Lazare

Trump’s big win

03 Dec 2020

Joe Biden himself was a target when it came to the decision to kill Iran’s top nuclear scientist, writes Daniel Lazare

Back to the deal?

26 Nov 2020

Yassamine Mather looks at the likely developments with Biden in the White House

End in sight

26 Nov 2020

The wheels have fallen off Trump’s attempt to steal the election. Daniel Lazare grapples with the unwillingness of the GOP to move towards dictatorship and mass repression

Decline and decay

26 Nov 2020

Gridlock domestically, economic stagnation and rebalancing abroad. Mike Macnair assesses the situation following the elections. This article is based on an opening given to the November 15 aggregate of CPGB and Labour Party Marxists members

American crisis mounts

19 Nov 2020

The current fraught situation highlights the huge breakdown that is in the offing, argues Daniel Lazare

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