
Democracy & State > UK state

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

Republicanism or the right to secede?

03 Apr 1997

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) argues that a boycott campaign must unite republicans

From sop parliament to republic?

03 Apr 1997

Anne Murphy interviewed Sean Clerkin, Scottish Socialist Alliance candidate in Paisley South about the campaign against the cuts there and his views on the national question

No to Labour’s sop! Self-determination, nothing less!

27 Mar 1997

Join the Committee for Self-Determination

Censorship’s slippery slope

20 Mar 1997

Police shoot to kill

20 Mar 1997

The Justice for Diarmuid O’Neill Campaign, with the support of the O’Neill family, has issued this appeal

Time for a working class alternative

20 Mar 1997

Revolutionary campaign must challenge rotten New Labour bloc

Thesis on the national question in Scotland

13 Mar 1997

After a wide ranging discussion this thesis was passed unanimously by a CPGB aggregate on Sunday March 8

Neither reformism nor nationalism

13 Mar 1997

Where will SML’s reformist socialist-nationalism lead?

New consensus attacks welfare

13 Mar 1997

Constitutional change on the agenda

13 Mar 1997

Self-determination - nothing less

Join the fight for self-determination

06 Mar 1997

Ad hoc committee says ‘No’ to Labour sop

Democratic rights attacked

06 Mar 1997

Fight Tory and Labour cuts

27 Feb 1997

No Tory, Labour or SNP cuts! For local services delivered according to need!

Militant Marxism or militant nationalism

27 Feb 1997

Jack Conrad discusses how Scottish Militant Labour wants to weaken, not overthrow the UK state

Free Róisín McAliskey

27 Feb 1997

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