
Democracy & State > UK state

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

For a federal republic

16 Jan 1997

The size of the vote against the monarchy after last week’s television debate shows the potential for a mass republican movement

Build the alternative now

09 Jan 1997

Should SLP members call for a Labour vote in the absence of an SLP candidate?

Break from Labourism - vote Labour

09 Jan 1997

A statement by party members in the South-West on the SLP electoral policy

Labour - a safe pair of hands

09 Jan 1997

New Labour’s new respectability will enable it to sail into office - but at our expense

No turning back

19 Dec 1996

For a federal republic of England, Scotland and Wales

12 Dec 1996

For Scottish self-determination

Federal republic and class struggle

12 Dec 1996

Mary Ward is the SSA candidate for Dundee West and a member of the CPGB. Lee-Anne Bates spoke to her about this weekend’s ‘civic event’ in Scotland and the future of the democratic struggle

Hume’s myopia

05 Dec 1996

Statement from Irish Republican Socialist Party spokesperson, Willie Gallagher

Romancing the stone

05 Dec 1996

Chance to move forward in Ireland

28 Nov 1996

New, improved Scargillism

28 Nov 1996

As Labour waits in the wings ... Tory offensive continues

28 Nov 1996

Kenneth Clarke’s budget contained no surprises. Both Labour and Tory prepare to prove who can best be His Master’s Voice

No to bosses’ choice ... A workers’ Europe

21 Nov 1996

Referendum offers no solution

Catalyst of violence

14 Nov 1996

Schools crisis blamed on kids

07 Nov 1996

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