
Democracy & State > UK state

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

Trouble at the top

14 Jan 2010

More than corruption revealed in Northern Ireland, writes James Turley

Critical support for POA strikes

26 Nov 2009

Are prison officers 'workers in uniform' or just agents of state oppression? Paul Greenaway argues for a nuanced approach and a strategy for splitting the state machine

Tip of an iceberg

26 Nov 2009

We must support the rebellions of brave individuals in the military, writes Jim Moody. But collective organisation is the key

Rehabilitation, not punishment

26 Nov 2009

Prison does not work, writes Eddie Ford

Culture fit for a ruling class

05 Nov 2009

Mark Fischer describes the experience of addressing the students of Britain’s most renowned public school

David Davis and democratic rights

10 Jul 2008

The failure of the far left to champion democracy has allowed rightwing polititians to pose as libertarians, argues Mike Macnair

Respect booty prize

29 Nov 2007

Madani Girls School in Tower Hamlets, east London, was the venue for the Respect (Galloway version) November 25 hustings to determine the prospective general election candidates for the two constituencies of Bethnal Green and Bow, and Poplar and Limehouse. Simon Wells reports

National fetishes

08 Nov 2007

It is that time of year when almost every public figure wears a plastic poppy, to commemorate the casualties of war. James Turley inquires into the roots and role of this practice

Tory revival will squeeze left

11 Oct 2007

Carey Davies comments

Orwellian experience

11 Oct 2007

Today British politicians shed crocodile tears over the repression of the Burmese regime, but the terror of Than Shwe cannot equal the brutality and arrogance endured by the Burmese people under British colonial rule from 1886 to 1948. Emily Branson comments

Booze, fags and turkey twizzlers

11 Oct 2007

On October 1, it became illegal for under-18s to buy tobacco. James Turley comments

Spin on this, Brown

11 Oct 2007

Gordon Brown should not have the right to dedice when the electorate get to vote. Jim Moody calls for annual parliaments

Beyond the prison walls

20 Sep 2007

How should communists respond to any upsurge in industrial action? Last month's POA dispute offers some useful lessons. Jack Conrad examines the arguments

The prison officers dilemma

13 Sep 2007

Cameron Richards takes issue with Jim Moody's article 'The turn of the screws' (September 6) and the position of the CPGB leadership

The turn of the screws

06 Sep 2007

Jim Moody comments on last week's strike of the Prison Officers' Association and asks: Are prison officers state agents or workers in uniform?

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