
Democracy & State > UK state

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

State propaganda day

01 Jul 2010

Jim Gilbert looks at the establishment's 'non-political' mobilisation behind the Afghanistan war effort

Truth still hidden

24 Jun 2010

Anne Mc Shane examines the failings of the Saville inquiry into the Bloody Sunday killings

Voting - present and future

24 Jun 2010

The electoral system we demand under bourgeois rule is not connected to the forms of democratic decision-making we advocate for the future communist society, argues Moshé Machover

Universities or business?

10 Jun 2010

Farzad Houshyar looks at the destructive role of the market in higher education

Victims of British justice

03 Jun 2010

Eddie Ford thinks prisoners should be treated as human beings, and children as children

Electoral reform and communist strategy

27 May 2010

Nick Rogers discusses the democratic forms appropriate to the rule of the working class

The new bullshit

20 May 2010

David Cameron's 'new politics' are a degraded version of the old, argues James Turley

An enemy that should be treated seriously

20 May 2010

Many comrades insist that the Con-Lib Dem government is a coalition of 'profound weakness and division' that will be easy to beat and thus almost automatically lead to advances by the left. Eddie Ford believes that this approach is complacent and profoundly mistaken

Government of the people, by corruption, for the capitalists

13 May 2010

David Cameron's deal with Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats puts in place the 'strong government' demanded by the capitalist class. The working class will now be attacked with a vengeance, writes Mike Macnair

They all scapegoat migrants

06 May 2010

The reaction to Gordon Brown's attack on the 'bigoted' Gillian Duffy demonstrates the depth and breadth of the national chauvinist consensus, argues Eddie Ford

Courage to tell the truth

06 May 2010

Yassamine Mather condemns the farce of the UK general election

From an instrument of deception

29 Apr 2010

Mike Macnair reviews the mainstream election campaign and the inadequate response of the left

Cleggmania and the return of the Lib-Lab pact?

22 Apr 2010

Eddie Ford wonders if we are about to see the fulfilment of the Blair project

A taxing dilemma

15 Apr 2010

The dispute over taxation shows the bourgeois establishment's poverty of ideas, argues James Turley

Accountable to their party

15 Apr 2010

All three mainstream parties promise voters the power to recall their MPs. Jim Moody looks at the details

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