
Democracy & State > UK state

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

Head to head

09 Aug 2007

As we go to press, voting is about to begin in the August 9 by-election for Shadwell ward in the east London borough of Tower Hamlets. The election campaign, triggered by the bitter resignation of Shamim Chowdhury - from Respect as well as from the council - saw Harun Miah go head to head with former Labour council leader Michael Keith. Huw Bynon reports

Compensation, not insurance

02 Aug 2007

Eddie Ford comments on the floods: Communists argue that in the event of a disaster or major accident any redress made should be based on a system of need, not individualised insurance schemes. And logically this requires that a universal compensation system be set up

Conservative Lite

26 Jul 2007

Only 18 months in the job and Cameron's position as Conservative Party leader is being questioned. Jim Moody comments

Reinforcing misery

19 Jul 2007

Carey Davies reports on the Conservative 'remedies' for a 'broken society'

The myth of 'One Wales'

19 Jul 2007

Cameron Richards looks at 'the most progressive government programme in Britain for 30 years'

Complacent indifference

12 Jul 2007

Peter Manson on the session 'Scotland - on the road to independence?'

Good theorist fallen amongst economists

12 Jul 2007

Mark Fischer reports on the session with Neil Davidson

Despair and the fantastic

12 Jul 2007

The London bomb attacks signal the failure of the left, says Eddie Ford

Dublin 1916 and the 'blood sacrifice'

05 Jul 2007

Philip Ferguson gives his view on some common criticisms of James Connolly

Plaid Cymru's left collapses

05 Jul 2007

Last week Plaid Cymru's left AMs voted to support the 'One Wales' document that now seems likely to form the basis of a Labour-Plaid coalition government in the Welsh assembly over the next four years. Bob Davies reports

The Windsor boy

25 May 2007

Evidently the chief of the general staff feels that prince Harry's life is worth so much more than the life of every other soldier that he cannot be allowed to risk it in the hell-hole that the US and UK forces have made of Iraq. Jim Moody comments

Plaid Cymru divides over Tory coalition

25 May 2007

Cameron Richards reports on the political crisis in Wales

Lib Dems re-ignite Plaid rebellion

11 May 2007

Bob Davies on the latest twists and turns in Welsh politics

No winners, many losers

10 May 2007

The third elections to the Welsh national assembly on May 3 failed to generate any level of excitement amongst the people of Wales. This was hardly surprising, given that the campaigns of the four main parties indicated that there was little to separate them politically. Cameron Richards reports

Election lottery

26 Apr 2007

On Thursday May 3, voters in Wales go to the polls in what is dubbed by many the 'Welsh general election'. However, if interest in the event is to match that rather grand title, there would have to be a significant increase in the 38% turnout recorded for the last assembly elections in 2003. Bob Davies reports

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