
Democracy & State > UK state

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

Holding all the cards?

24 Oct 2019

Key parts of the DUP’s base in the farming and business sectors are fearful of the impact of a hard border and a hard Brexit on their economic interests, notes James Harvey.

The saga continues

24 Oct 2019

With the Brexit bill ‘paused’ and the October 31 deadline ditched, writes Eddie Ford, Boris Johnson is going for a December election.

Zombie parliament staggers on

17 Oct 2019

Will Boris Johnson win over the DUP and ERG? Eddie Ford looks at the latest Brexit developments.

Being ruder than Boris

03 Oct 2019

The left should have no time for establishment MPs and their worries about extreme language, argues Paul Demarty.

Bid for Brexit glory

03 Oct 2019

This really is crunch time for Boris Johnson - striking a deal with the DUP and submitting his ‘two borders’ plan to the EU. But, asks Eddie Ford, can he survive the storm?

The party organ of the state

26 Sep 2019

Paul Demarty comments on the retirement of John Humphrys from BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.

Judges, politics and democracy

26 Sep 2019

Mike Macnair warns that the Supreme Court decision on prorogation could be used as a precedent to block radical measures by a Labour government.

Flies in the ointment

12 Sep 2019

Whither the Brexit Party? James Harvey thinks it has no long-term future.

No pacts, no coalitions

12 Sep 2019

The willingness of the Labour leadership to bloc with Liberal Democrats, Scottish nationalists and Tory rebels is a mistake, argues Paul Demarty. It could easily presage a government of national unity.

The clock is the spur

08 Aug 2019

Only a national government can stop Brexit, and that would mean splitting the Labour Party, reckons Eddie Ford.

Election has already begun

02 Aug 2019

Boris Johnson’s spending spree and visits to the four corners of the UK are about seeing off Jeremy Corbyn, but, writes Eddie Fordthe parliamentary establishment might still make a decisive move.

Brexit do or die

25 Jul 2019

Eddie Ford asks if Boris Johnson can deliver where Theresa May failed

The politics of offence

18 Jul 2019

Eddie Ford thinks everybody should be open to political criticism - even those who are pregnant or receiving treatment for illness

Volatile times ahead

18 Jul 2019

We are heading for a constitutional crisis, writes Peter Manson and certainly an early general election.

Constitutional or political?

18 Jul 2019

Mike Macnair asks whether talk of a ‘constitutional crisis’ following the election of Boris Johnson as Tory leader is real or illusory

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