
Democracy & State > UK state

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

Star Wars posturing

26 Nov 2020

Boris Johnson’s plan to squander billions on the armed forces in order to extend Britain’s ‘global influence’ is fully supported by Starmer’s Labour Party, notes Eddie Ford

Showdown looms

26 Nov 2020

A crisis over independence is on the horizon - and things could quickly get ugly, writes Paul Demarty

High drama at No10

19 Nov 2020

The departure of Cummings and Cain was about far more than personalities, says James Harvey

An arm of the state

19 Nov 2020

David Goodhart’s appointment to the EHRC reveals the truth about the quango and its wretched report into ‘Labour anti-Semitism’, says Eddie Ford

Quinlan or Vargas?

19 Nov 2020

As a judicial inquiry commences into the surveillance of activist groups, Paul Demarty explains why the workers’ movement must fight to replace the police with a popular militia

Stonewalling unionism hankers after direct rule

12 Nov 2020

There needs to be a democratic and internationalist answer to the ever-growing demand for independence, says Eddie Ford

Pivot back to Europe

12 Nov 2020

James Harvey asks what a Biden presidency might mean for relations with Boris Johnson’s Britain

Gambling on chlorinated chicken

22 Oct 2020

Boris Johnson seems to be playing a high-risk game of poker with the EU. Eddie Ford looks at the latest Brexit developments

Ministry of Truth

08 Oct 2020

Outlawing anti-capitalism in schools is the thin end of the wedge. Boris Johnson’s government is shifting ever further to the right, warns Eddie Ford

Accidents do happen

24 Sep 2020

Eddie Ford suspects that Boris Johnson’s attempt to undermine the Brexit withdrawal agreement means he is gambling on a second-term Trump presidency

Poor, huddled and desperate

13 Aug 2020

The Tory Party and sections of the press are whipping up a panic about ‘invading’ migrants, writes Eddie Ford

On a wing and a prayer

23 Jul 2020

Like you, Eddie Ford is sceptical about things ‘returning to normal’ by Christmas

Woman bites dog

23 Jul 2020

What was that about ‘western values’? Paul Demarty looks at the Shamima Begum case

Garbage in, garbage out

25 Jun 2020

Failure of the NHS tracing app is characteristic of the government’s pandemic response, argues Paul Demarty

Johnson’s criminal incompetence

11 Jun 2020

By global standards, writes Eddie Ford, the government’s handling of the pandemic has been appalling

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