
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Unemployed fightback begins

12 Sep 1996

Labour shows unions their place

12 Sep 1996

Prepare to do battle with Blair

12 Sep 1996

Blair plans to curb strikes and step up anti-union legislation - to carry on where the Tories left off

Raising our sights

05 Sep 1996

Minimum wage: the fight for what we need

Labour blasts postworkers

05 Sep 1996

In tune with the members

05 Sep 1996

The RMT transport union is currently in dispute with 20 train-operating companies. It has called further one-day strikes and an overtime ban at seven, while members at 13 others are being balloted for action. Alan Pottage is on the 12-strong national executive committee of the RMT, where he sits alongside six other members of the Socialist Labour Party. Peter Manson asked him about the role of the SLP in the disputes

Fighting the Labour bosses

05 Sep 1996

Attack on all workers

05 Sep 1996

Chris Ford, secretary of the West London CPSA union branch and organiser of this Saturday’s London march, spoke to the Weekly Worker

CWU turning point

29 Aug 1996

No slave labour, No benefit cuts

29 Aug 1996


Railworkers... One union, One fight

29 Aug 1996

As the London underground dispute ends and strikes on the rail network look like escalating, media commentators continue to insist that it is all the fault of sinister ‘red’ union leaders

Postal strike escalates

22 Aug 1996

General election strategy

22 Aug 1996

SL Kenning looks at latest developments in the Socialist Labour Party

All out in Liverpool

22 Aug 1996

New attack on union rights

22 Aug 1996

London Underground drivers are divided again with the Aslef union accepting management’s latest deal and RMT rejecting by a 3:1 majority. As the Tories threaten to clamp down even harder on trade union rights RMT drivers are now left to go it alone

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