
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Taking on redder hues?

31 Mar 2011

Eddie Ford argues that Ed Miliband is shuffling to the left as the resistance to the Tory-Lib Dem cuts takes mass form

Now the left has TDs

24 Mar 2011

Anne Mc Shane urges principled unity in a new party

Their busted flush and ours

17 Mar 2011

Laurie Smith is not impressed by the left's performance in Sheffield

Socialism means winning the majority

10 Mar 2011

Winning a 'yes' vote in the May 5 referendum on AV should be seen as part of the battle for extreme democracy, writes Peter Manson

Self-determination and the fight for a socialist state

24 Feb 2011

The Communist Party of Iran is an ex-Maoist organisation, which now states it is 'closer to Trotskyism'. On his recent trip to Iraqi Kurdistan, Rozh Ahmad visited the camp run by Komalah, the CPI grouping in Kurdistan, and spoke to Hassan Rahman Panah, a member of its central committee

Goodbye to Gaddafi

24 Feb 2011

He may still be admired by sections of the left, writes Eddie Ford. But we would wholeheartedly welcome the fall of Gaddafi in what is the first armed uprising in the Arab revolution

Thirty years of reaction

17 Feb 2011

Ruben Markarian of the Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran addressed the Hopi AGM

Make unity a reality

17 Feb 2011

Differences over tactics are no reason to keep the anti-cuts movement divided, argues Peter Manson

Radical-reformist Kautskyites

10 Feb 2011

Gerry Downing accuses the CPGB of reformism

A tad more radical

27 Jan 2011

Tina Becker was at the Coalition of Resistance steering committee meeting

Cameron's 'easy-peasy' compared to Thatcher

27 Jan 2011

The Socialist Party has further divided the anti-cuts movement, reports Gerry Downing

Wedded to left reformists

20 Jan 2011

Chris Strafford argues that nothing positive can be learnt from the National Left Wing Movement and the Communist Party's intervention in the Labour Party in the 1920s

Shattered illusions

20 Jan 2011

The left's general election campaign is beginning to make an impact, writes Anne Mc Shane

Marxism and theoretical overkill

20 Jan 2011

Mike Macnair reviews Jairus Banaji's 'History as theory: essays on modes of production and exploitation' Historical Materialism books series, Vol 25, Leiden, 2010, pp406, £81

No to fake new regime

20 Jan 2011

London-based Tunisian socialist Nadim Mahjoub looks forward to an Arab revolution. Ben Lewis spoke to him

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