
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Push for anticuts candidates

21 Apr 2011

PCS executive candidate Dave Vincent explains the main issues in the union's elections

Triumvirate commits to regime change

21 Apr 2011

Imperialist 'mission lurch' sees first troops dispatched. Eddie Ford reports

Principles to shape tactics

21 Apr 2011

In the second of three articles Mike Macnair examines the electoral controversies in the SPD and the views of Marx and Engels

Electoral principles and our tactics

14 Apr 2011

When is it permissible to vote for opportunist or even non-working class candidates? In the first of two articles Mike Macnair begins his examination of the issues

Unlikely bedfellows

14 Apr 2011

In a change of policy that Alex Callinicos calls "entirely consistent", the Socialist Workers Party now supports the same group of Britain-based Iranian exiles that enjoy the backing of the social-imperialist Alliance for Workers' Liberty. Tina Becker reports

Mubarak's detention is due to targeted mass pressure

14 Apr 2011

Far from the revolutionary movement coming to a halt, argues Eddie Ford, new advances are being made

Intervention, not incoherent abstention

14 Apr 2011

James Turley replies to critics of the CPGB's project to transform the Labour Party

Latest irresponsible split from SWP

14 Apr 2011

The defection of Chris Bambery and a section of the Scottish membership highlights systemic failings. Peter Manson reports

Aiming for a party

07 Apr 2011

Anne Mc Shane demands that revolutionaries must put forward ideas that deal with what is really happening in the world

National committee endorses anti-intervention line

07 Apr 2011

The Labour Representation Committee's national committee met in Preston on Saturday April 2, its first out-of-London meeting since the January AGM enlarged the NC to include delegates from local LRC groups. Greater London deputy delegate Stan Keable reports

Stop treating the working class like sheep

07 Apr 2011

General strikes are a tactic, not a strategy. Michael Copestake attends a local meeting of the SWP

Arm the movement with Marxist politics

31 Mar 2011

James Turley reports on a good day in the fight to build resistance to the coalition's austerity

You are useful idiots

31 Mar 2011

The imperialist assault on Libya has rallied many on the liberal and socialist left in its defence. James Turley argues that this makes an anti-imperialist perspective even more urgently necessary

No defence of Benghazi

31 Mar 2011

Gerry Downing of 'Socialist Fight' believes the anti-Gaddafi rebellion is totally reactionary

Unity across the Arab world

31 Mar 2011

The Revolutionary Socialists in Egypt are a group that adheres to the same tradition as our Socialist Workers Party. Peter Manson asked Mohammad Hamama, a prominent RS member, about the prospects for the working class movement in Egypt and beyond

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