
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Extended rally gives leadership free rein

13 Jan 2011

The central committee brushed differences under the carpet at the Socialist Workers Party annual conference. James Turley reports

Old thinking and new bottles

06 Jan 2011

Paul Greenaway asks what the liberal media see in Laurie Penny and explains why Alex Callinicos is talking sense

Haunted by ghosts

06 Jan 2011

The death of Mary Rosser has opened up a can of worms. Sammy Hollingworth wonders why leading CPB members have such a strained relationship with the past

Don't give in to the slurs

06 Jan 2011

Eddie Ford defends Clare Solomon against the rightwing press and its AWL outriders

Another one bites the dust

06 Jan 2011

Even before SWP comrades gather in London for their annual conference, the central committee has sacked Martin Smith as national secretary and replaced him by Charlie Kimber. Peter Manson looks at an organisation in crisis

Eggs vs truncheons

16 Dec 2010

The student movement in Turkey is militant, but mass involvement is hampered by a divided left, says Esen Uslu

The fear of unity

16 Dec 2010

Eager for ammunition, the SWP has delighted in the NSSN's looming split. James Turley reports

Unison and the politics of class

09 Dec 2010

Why does a leading member of Socialist Resistance give her backing to a free-market attack on the disabled and elderly? Tony Greenstein reports on Unison's support for the 'personalisation' of care

Old loyalties under threat

02 Dec 2010

The fightback against the cuts continues to grow, but the left must build a viable alternative to the politics of nationalism. Anne Mc Shane reports in the aftermath of the latest mass demonstration in Dublin

Illusion of being a master of strategy

02 Dec 2010

Ben Lewis reviews John Rees 'Strategy and tactics: how the left can unite to transform society' Counterfire, 2010, pp65, £4

Arming the resistance

02 Dec 2010

What lies behind the ruling class cuts offensive and what strategy do we need to defeat it? This is an edited version of the speech given by Mike Macnair to the November 28 CPGB aggregate

Harness the anger: the anti-cuts movement we need

25 Nov 2010

James Turley looks ahead to the Coalition of Resistance conference and warns against the lack of democracy and a clear programme

No to nationalist response

25 Nov 2010

There is no solution to the Irish crisis within its own borders. Anne Mc Shane calls for internationalism and solidarity

From Stalinism to social democracy

18 Nov 2010

Chris Gray reviews Brian Hanley and Scott Millar's 'The lost revolution: the story of the Official IRA and the Workers Party' Penguin Books 2010, pp601, GBP9.99

Good, bad, and middling Trots

18 Nov 2010

Voting in the election to replace Derek Simpson as general secretary of Unite the Union ends on November 19. Gerry Downing reports on the attacks on the Jerry Hicks campaign from supporters of left bureaucrat Len McCluskey

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