
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Poll tax reminiscences

11 Nov 2010

Maciej Zurowski finds that SPEW just cannot seem to get the actual Labour Party out of its head

Budget crisis deepens

11 Nov 2010

Double standards need to be challenged by the left in Ireland, writes Anne Mc Shane

The two souls of socialism

11 Nov 2010

Trade union politics was the main dish at Socialism 2010, the Socialist Party's annual school. James Turley reports

Sanctions take their toll

11 Nov 2010

Yassamine Mather calls for international solidarity with Iranian workers

Farewell to Ted

28 Oct 2010

Robbie Rix reports that donations to our fighting fund totalled a mere £80 last week

'Surfing rabbi' wheeled out

28 Oct 2010

The October 24 English Defence League march to the Israeli embassy "in solidarity with Israel" was virtually ignored by Unite Against Fascism. Maciej Zurowski reports

Let Hopi affiliate

28 Oct 2010

The leadership of the STWC not only divides the anti-war movement, but risks discrediting it and making it appear ridiculous, writes Mark Fischer

Workers' protests continue despite pension law vote

28 Oct 2010

Mass conflict is leading to broader political conclusions, reports Jean-Michel Edwin

What the left thinks of Ed

07 Oct 2010

Jim Gilbert rounds up the response of the left to Labour's new leader

Why I am not an Israeli peace activist

07 Oct 2010

Genuine socialists fight against the Zionist project, writes Moshé Machover

Break with ANC popular front

02 Sep 2010

The public sector strike victory has been won despite, not because of, the SACP, writes Peter Manson

Programmatic dead end

02 Sep 2010

The more things change, the more they remain the same. Eddie Ford looks at the latest draft of 'Britain's road to socialism'

Leftist dogma and exaggerated threats

26 Aug 2010

The EDL did not turn up to disrupt an SWP event after all, reports Maciej Zurowski

Defections no answer

15 Jul 2010

Peter Manson looks at the latest split from the Socialist Workers Party

Keep off our turf

15 Jul 2010

James Turley critiques the SWP's proprietorial culture

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