
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

A triumphant victory?

08 Sep 2011

Claire Fisher and Maciej Zurowski report on the English Defence League demonstration in east London and the response of anti-fascists

Convenor hung out to dry

14 Jul 2011

AJ Byrne slates Unite's inaction and SWP vacillation

From Tony Cliff to Alex Callinicos

07 Jul 2011

Peter Manson looks at the leadership pecking order and calls for the SWP to open up

Marxism 2011: Fringe benefits

07 Jul 2011

Leo Godwin reports on two successful and well attended CPGB meetings

Marxism 2011: Impressions from sectarian alley

07 Jul 2011

Ben Lewis found the SWP a lot less hostile than in previous years

Real attempt to learn the lessons

30 Jun 2011

The 'Towards a New International Tendency' statement marks a step forward, notes James Turley

Making Marxist education a priority

09 Jun 2011

Paul B Smith replies to James Turley

The study of history and the left's decline

02 Jun 2011

Dealing with the present demands not useful myths, writes Mike Macnair, but a real understanding of the past

An ethical revolution of the mind

02 Jun 2011

Esther of Democracia Real Ya spoke to the Weekly Worker

Striking together

02 Jun 2011

Ben Lewis looks forward to a bold show of mass opposition to austerity on June 30

Theoretical dead end

19 May 2011

The US Platypus group is in the borderlands of two types of left, argues Mike Macnair in the second of two articles

Governing parties consolidate in NI

12 May 2011

Anne Mc Shane calls for a united, federal Ireland

No need for party?

12 May 2011

The US Platypus grouping does not have a political line because there is 'no possibility of revolutionary action'. Mike Macnair reports on its convention

Two-sided reconciliation

05 May 2011

Tony Greenstein argues the importance of continuation of Palestinian resistance

Can the left win over the members?

05 May 2011

National executive candidate Dave Vincent looks forward to the conference of the civil service union

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