
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Closed Marxism

26 May 2016

Mike Macnair reviews: John Holloway, 'In, against and beyond capitalism: the San Francisco lectures', Kairos/PM Press, 2016, pp85 (plus preface), £10.59

Life in the bubble

26 May 2016

Paul Demarty argues that the growing culture of brittle denunciations only hurts the left

Collective amnesia

19 May 2016

The job of the left is to learn from past errors, not succumb to fanboyism, argues Paul Demarty

Scandal hits M5S

19 May 2016

As Beppe Grillo prepares to step down, his populist party stands accused of corruption. Toby Abse reports

A continent of the mind

19 May 2016

Jack Conrad shows that the European Union has been shaped not only by rival state powers, but by class politics too

Don’t apologise - attack

19 May 2016

The right will not let up if we retreat before their smears, argues Moshé Machover. This is an edited version of his speech to the May 15 London Communist Forum

Recipe for disaster

12 May 2016

Labour’s election results have given Corbyn only a temporary reprieve, predicts Tony Greenstein

Party of lost causes

12 May 2016

Eddie Ford looks at the prospects for Ukip

Populism, nationalism and racism

21 Apr 2016

Fred Leplat (ed), 'The far right in Europe', Resistance Books and International Institute for Research and Education, London 2015, pp334, £12

One, two, three revolutions

21 Apr 2016

Jack Conrad argues that democracy in the United States is corrupted and far from complete. The working class must finish what 1775 began

Carry on regardless

14 Apr 2016

SPEW just will not admit it was wrong in its characterisation of Labour, writes Peter Manson

Tide turns against Zuma

07 Apr 2016

While the ‘official communists’ are now looking for a change of leadership, writes Peter Manson, they have no intention of championing working class independence

A bureaucrat’s tool

07 Apr 2016

Imogen Wilson’s predicament is a timely reminder that ‘safe spaces’ policies are anti-democratic and a gift to the right, argues Paul Demarty

Who are the ‘moderate’ opposition?

07 Apr 2016

Amongst the chaos, new alliances are taking shape, reports Yassamine Mather

Don’t appease: fight!

07 Apr 2016

The Labour Party’s Compliance Unit is employing TheDaily Telegraph to pursue its allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’, writes Tony Greenstein

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