
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Don’t demand an election

04 Aug 2016

The main task is to transform Labour into a party that can form a genuine workers’ government, argues Peter Manson

Life of a heroic traitor

04 Aug 2016

Jim Creegan looks back at the extraordinary story of Roger Casement on the 100th anniversary of his execution

No let-up in purge

28 Jul 2016

A grand national coalition is part of Erdoğan’s ‘godsent opportunity’, writes Esen Uslu

From Powell to Brexit

28 Jul 2016

Alex Carnovic interviews Evan Smith about his forthcoming book 'British communism and the politics of race'

Unique and historic opportunity

28 Jul 2016

There is no reason to be pessimistic about the struggle in the Labour Party. Peter Manson replies to Ian Birchall

Return of the popular front

28 Jul 2016

The desire for a ‘party of the 99%’ represents a form of political collapse, argues Eddie Ford

Erdoğan’s counter-coup coup

21 Jul 2016

While a bloody military intervention has been defeated, that in itself is no reason to cheer, writes Esen Uslu

Which side are you on?

21 Jul 2016

Why is the Morning Star’s Communist Party of Britain willing to be an ally of the Labour thought police, asks Dave Lynch

Sacrifice and redemption

14 Jul 2016

Chris Cutrone of the Platypus Affiliated Society recounts the struggle of Rosa Luxemburg for the workers’ party to base itself on the goal of socialism

Not a whitewash

14 Jul 2016

Yassamine Mather examines the Chilcot report and looks at a possible response

Defend Corbyn where it really matters

14 Jul 2016

Why do sections of the left refuse to call for people join the Labour Party? Peter Manson looks at the contradictions of the SWP and SPEW

State department socialists

14 Jul 2016

In the wake of the Chilcot inquiry, Paul Demarty remembers that it was not merely the Blairites who put faith in the benevolence of American power

What was social democracy?

07 Jul 2016

Chris Cutrone of the Platypus Affiliated Society traces the origins of current socialist terminology1

Missing from the story

07 Jul 2016

The story of prehistoric human communism was missing from the SWP's Marxism reports Stan Keable

Parroting the ‘party’ line

07 Jul 2016

A genuine exchange of ideas is the last thing the SWP leadership wants, writes Peter Manson

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