
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Profoundly political

07 Jul 2016

Abbas Kiarostami, June 22 1940 - July 4 2016, Yassamine Mather shares her memories

Brexit shock waves

07 Jul 2016

The UK referendum vote has added to the uncertainty in Italy, notes Toby Abse

General election now?

07 Jul 2016

Whatever the SWP might think, argues Eddie Ford, the Tory Party is not about to split

Fear, confusion and delusions

30 Jun 2016

Left responses to the referendum result vary from despondency to total exuberance. Both are misplaced, argues Paul Demarty

Two roads to ruin

30 Jun 2016

Republican establishment figures are unsure whether to throw their weight behind Donald Trump or wait for better times. Jim Creegan reports

The decolonisation of Palestine

23 Jun 2016

Zionism constitutes a unique colonisation process, argues Moshé Machover - which means that the route to Palestinian freedom must be equally unique

M5S takes Rome and Turin

23 Jun 2016

With the help of elements of the left, Beppe Grillo’s crew has gained ground in former working class strongholds. Toby Abse reports

Blundering ineptitude

16 Jun 2016

There are furious objections to the Morning Star giving Ken Livingstone a regular column. Peter Manson reports

Curious delay and publication switch

16 Jun 2016

Rexx Dunn reviews: 'Victor Serge and Natalia Sedova Trotsky The life and death of Leon Trotsky', Haymarket Books, 2016, pp396, £12.99

M5S is not a leftwing party

16 Jun 2016

Why are elements within the left recommending a vote for Beppe Grillo’s party? Toby Abse points to its links with the far right

M5S on course to take Rome

09 Jun 2016

Toby Abse reports on last weekend’s local elections

Decision time approaching

09 Jun 2016

The SACP’s alliance with the ANC is in crisis. Peter Manson reports

Obscuring class politics

09 Jun 2016

Phil Duncan condemns socialists who supported the Bernie Sanders campaign and counterposes it to building a Marxist party

Edging towards affiliation

02 Jun 2016

Mark Serwotka hopes to win next year’s PCS conference to join the internal Labour battle to defeat the right, writes Peter Manson

Pro-Zionists are false friends

26 May 2016

We need a movement for genuine solidarity with the working class, writes Yassamine Mather

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