

Trotskyist move to CPGB

After having attended seminars, starting to regularly read your paper, and having discussions with your comrades, the Trotskyist Unity Group believes that it is possible to initiate a timetable of dialogue, discussion, and exchange of papers, in order to facilitate the representational entry of Phil Sharpe upon an open Trotskyist platform into the Communist Party of Great Britain.

To this end we will provide you with a copy of The Second Communist Manifesto (which provides the main general theoretical basis of our specific political views and perspectives) and a copy of Trotskyist Unity No5 (which outlines a programmatic critique of the International Communist Party’s workers’ government perspective) at the Open Polemic conference on social democracy. We would also welcome comments from you about our individual papers submitted to this OP conference.

Furthermore we hope in the future to provide a more precise statement of views about programme and perspectives, in terms of our critique of the split in the League for a Revolutionary Communist International and also in relation to a commentary on your draft programme. Unfortunately, owing to prior theoretical commitments, we may not be able to produce this latter work until June or July.

Nevertheless we feel that the initial documents will still provide a sufficient basis to promote constructive discussion concerning the representational membership of the TUG within the CPGB.

Phil Walden
Trotskyist Unity Group