
Marxist unity > Socialist Labour Party

Scargill voids again

27 Feb 1997

As reported in last week’s Weekly Worker, Barry Biddulph, an SLP member in South London, has been ‘voided’ by Arthur Scargill. Below we reprint Scargill’s letter and Barry’s response

Thumping people

27 Feb 1997

Party notes

No unity without democracy

27 Feb 1997

The Weekly Worker criticised for open debate

Two Scargills and two election tactics

13 Feb 1997

SLP: news and comment

Not compatible with democracy

13 Feb 1997

At a branch meeting of Stockport Socialist Labour Party on November 28 1996 followers of the Economic and Philosophical Science Review, led by its founder-editor Roy Bull, passed a ‘motion’ calling for the expulsion of comrade John Pearson, the branch secretary. They alleged he was a member of the CPGB. John Pearson has since been excluded from a branch meeting recently chaired by Phil Griffin, backed by his homophobic and sectarian allies in the EPSR. We publish below the exchange between John Pearson and Arthur Scargill

Unity call

13 Feb 1997

Mounting the challenge to New Labour

13 Feb 1997

Mick Cullen, one of the sacked Merseyside dockers, is standing for the Socialist Labour Party in the Wirral South by-election on February 27. Peter Manson asked him about the SLP’s prospects

SLP branch reports

06 Feb 1997

Struggle for democracy takes centre stage

06 Feb 1997

Brent Socialist Labour Party has sent out this press release in response to articles in the Morning Star. It is calling on the support of other branches for their right to select their own candidate for the election and against the witch hunt

Election cash

06 Feb 1997

SLP: news and comment

Michael Collins in context

06 Feb 1997

Feminists versus class fighters

06 Feb 1997

Move politics onto our ground

30 Jan 1997

The Socialist Labour Party is contesting the Kidbrooke by-election in South London. Lee-Anne Bates spoke to Peter Pierce, the SLP candidate

Fear and loathing in the SLP

30 Jan 1997

The question of Europe, and the Socialist Labour Party’s general stance on internationalism, is the linchpin to all the party’s policy documents. Will the SLP flow with history or against it? Eddie Ford investigates

Revolutionary challenge to Ken Livingstone

30 Jan 1997

Members of Socialist Labour’s West London branch living in Brent met last week to set up a constituency branch and make plans for the general election. They sent out this press statement

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