
Marxist unity > Socialist Labour Party

Stockport’s EPSR sectarians defeated

30 Jan 1997

The witch hunting homophobes that make up the Economic and Philosophical Science Review have attempted to hijack Stockport SLP branch for their own narrow, sectarian project. The other members in Stockport called a full branch meeting to halt the witch hunting and remove Roy Bull, the EPSR leader, from the chair. To date no reply has been received from the NEC as to the status of Stockport branch and the motions carried at that meeting

SLP: news and comment

23 Jan 1997

SL Kenning

Patrick Sikorski’s resignation

23 Jan 1997

SLP in crisis

23 Jan 1997

Sikorski quits

A vision beyond capitalism

16 Jan 1997

As the Liverpool dockers prepared for an international day of action on Monday January 20, Lee-Anne Bates spoke to Jimmy Nolan, chair of the Liverpool Dockers Shops Stewards’ Committee and Socialist Labour Party member, about the need for working class political organisation

Workers’ alternative to New Labour

16 Jan 1997

John Ireland is the Communication Workers Union assistant divisional officer for North Wales and the North-West. He spoke in a personal capacity to Peter Manson of the Weekly Worker about his decision to join the Socialist Labour Party

Burst of life

16 Jan 1997

SL Kenning looks at latest developments in the Socialist Labour Party

Build the alternative now

09 Jan 1997

Should SLP members call for a Labour vote in the absence of an SLP candidate?

Break from Labourism - vote Labour

09 Jan 1997

A statement by party members in the South-West on the SLP electoral policy

Communist Party Perspectives 1997

09 Jan 1997

At its last national aggregate of 1996, the perspectives document for this year was passed unanimously by our organisation. Mark Fischer highlights some of its key points

A load of Bull

09 Jan 1997

Real enemies of progressive socialism

09 Jan 1997

The Weekly Worker has received a copy of a letter from Camden SLP chair Martyn Giscombe-Smith, which we publish below. We believe that the comrade is profoundly mistaken in announcing his resignation from the party, and urge him to reconsider. While he makes many valid criticisms and his frustration is understandable, he overlooks the key point: the SLP represents a left break from Labour of potentially great significance for the working class. All socialists should fight to shape the SLP into an organisation that is up to the job. It cannot be right to retire into the wilderness

Dockers show potential for all

19 Dec 1996

Web of propaganda

19 Dec 1996

Assessing Barnsley East

19 Dec 1996

SL Kenning looks at latest developments in the Socialist Labour Party

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