
Party & Programme > Programmes

Hidden from history

22 Nov 2007

Lawrence Parker, The kick inside - revolutionary opposition in the CPGB 1960-1991 2007, £4.00 (+ £1.15 postage), pp75

Shipwreck of dreams

23 Jan 2014

Daniel Harvey looks at the lessons of the Socialist Alliance for today

Time to take principles seriously

16 Jan 2014

The Socialist Platform’s claim to the mantle of principled politics is entirely bogus, says Daniel Harvey

In praise of the Communist Platform

05 Dec 2013

Text of Jack Conrad's contribution to the Platform debate at Left Unity's conference

Left Unity: Making a safe space for left ideas

05 Dec 2013

Peter Manson reports on the official founding of the latest unity project

Supplement: Left Unity’s contradictory aspirations

28 Nov 2013

A wide-ranging strategic debate has erupted on the left, Mike Macnair conducts a critical examination

Die Linke: Courtship with an eye on 2017

21 Nov 2013

The latest developments in German politics should serve as a reality check for the ‘broad party’ advocates in this country, argues Ben Lewis

Debate: Inspiring view of future society

14 Nov 2013

Is the distinction between socialism and communism necessarily Stalinist? Mike Macnair replies to Nick Rogers

Debate: CPGB’s theoretical confusion

14 Nov 2013

The Socialist Platform statement for Left Unity is more scientifically correct than the amended version featured in the CPGB’s Communist Platform, argues Nick Rogers

Communist Platform

10 Oct 2013

Statement of aims and principles:

Luxemburg: Rosa and the republic

10 Oct 2013

Last weekend, Ben Lewis spoke at an international conference in Paris on ‘Rosa Luxemburg’s concepts of democracy and revolution’. This is an expanded version of his paper

Left Unity: Well-meaning naivety

03 Oct 2013

Robert Hayes reports on the Manchester policy conference

Socialist Platform: Principles first, then the masses …

12 Sep 2013

Mark Fischer on the differences that have arisen in the SP in the lead up to its first meeting

Programme: Lessons of Erfurt

05 Sep 2013

Was the Second International based on ‘parties of the whole class’? Mike Macnair looks at the real history of working class organisation

Left Unity: Self-liberation, not manipulation

29 Aug 2013

Nick Wrack was the second speaker at the ‘Fighting for a mass party’ session

Left Unity: Communicating across the archipelago of isolation

29 Aug 2013

Jack Conrad puts the case for clear principles and greater boldness. This is an edited version of his opening contribution to the ‘Fighting for a mass party’session at Communist University

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