
Party & Programme > Programmes

Hidden from history

22 Nov 2007

Lawrence Parker, The kick inside - revolutionary opposition in the CPGB 1960-1991 2007, £4.00 (+ £1.15 postage), pp75

Marxism online: Reappropriating basic principles

29 Aug 2013

On August 13, the centenary of August Bebel’s death, a new website was launched - MarxistCenter.com seeks to revive a genuinely partyist Marxism for the 21st century. Geary Middleton introduces this new political and journalistic project

AWL review: Education or training?

01 Aug 2013

Mike Macnair reviews: Cathy Nugent (ed) 'Marxist ideas to turn the tide: readings and reflections on revolutionary socialist strategy'. Phoenix Press/Workers’ Liberty, 2013, pp138, £5

Socialist Party Ireland: Not for the public domain

25 Jul 2013

Craig Murphy, a member of the Socialist Party in Ireland, reports on the resignation of four prominent comrades and the dishonest response of the leadership

ISNetwork: Entropy, therapy and eclecticism

18 Jul 2013

The International Socialist Network is still trapped by SWP politics, argues Harley Filben

Lessons of May 68

06 Jun 2013

Would there have been a revolution but for the betrayal of the official leadership in France? This is an edited version of a talk given by Mike Macnair at a recent London Communist Forum

To get out of the gutter, begin by looking up at the stars

06 Jun 2013

Should the left aim for a non-socialist stage of capitalism? A stage acceptable to Stalinites, trade union bureaucrats and left reformists? Ben Lewis responds to Tim Nelson of the International Socialist Network

What kind of party?: Illusion is the first of all pleasures

30 May 2013

Tim Nelson of the International Socialist Network calls for a broad party in which Marxists fight to build a revolutionary movement from the bottom up

Left Unity: Broad party illusions

23 May 2013

Ben Lewis offers some critical thoughts on a recent International Socialist Network article

SWP: Opposition springs back to life

23 May 2013

The fightback must be principled and programmatically armed, urges Peter Manson

Left unity appeal: Realise potential, avoid pitfalls

04 Apr 2013

The Left Unity appeal has gathered a promising level of support, but runs the risk of repeating past mistakes, argues Harley Filben

South African left: Attempt to go round already existing mass organisations

04 Apr 2013

Wasp might be able to sting the SACP/Cosatu bureaucracy. But, asks Peter Manson, can it become a mass party capable of leading a socialist revolution?

The left: Loach makes his bid for unity

28 Mar 2013

Can anything positive arise from the SWP crisis? Peter Manson believes it can if we stick to our principles

Comintern review: Not a school of strategy

21 Feb 2013

Mike Macnair reviews: John Riddell (ed), 'Toward the united front: proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the Communist International 1922'. Brill, 2012, pp1310, €200 (paperback also available from Haymarket Books, £39.99)

Programme and Party: Broad bad, mass good

21 Feb 2013

Opportunists require mushy politics and meaningless phrases when they set out to deceive. Jack Conrad argues in favour of a mass working class party and the kind of principles and politics outlined in the Communist manifesto, the Erfurt programme and the programme of the Parti Ouvrier

SWP and programme: Transitional regression ends in a hunch

14 Feb 2013

Is the so-called transitional method the road to revolution? Jack Conrad argues against the economism of the Socialist Workers Party

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