
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Left pessimism and Tony Benn

12 Jul 2012

Tony Benn and the SWP find surprising common ground, their (mis)understanding of the working class, reports Mark Fischer

Fringe 2012

12 Jul 2012

Jan Nolan reports from the CPGB fringe meetings at the SWP's Marxism Festival

Private SWP quarrels and public SWP gagging

12 Jul 2012

The main role of the annual Marxism festival seems to be making new recruits and attempting to buoy up the rank and file. Peter Manson reports

Help us take further steps forward - donate

05 Jul 2012

Mark Fischer reports on a solid first week for our annual fundraising drive and on an important political advance for our organisation

Taking membership seriously

05 Jul 2012

Michael Copestake reports on the debates at the CPGB weekend aggregate

Liquidationism and 'broad front' masks

28 Jun 2012

Mike Macnair recently addressed a CPGB aggregate on liquidationism and 'broad frontism'. Below is an edited version of his talk

A site to be proud of

28 Jun 2012

June 30 sees the launch of both the CPGB's Summer Offensive fundraising drive and our new website - Mark Fischer discusses the broader challenges of the next two months

Democratic centralism and idiocy of the sects

28 Jun 2012

Comrades need the space to develop and express their ideas, argues Jim Creegan. The wider the distance between a given question and the party's immediate objectives and tasks, the more latitude they should have to do so in public

Sinn Féin and the handshake

28 Jun 2012

Anne McShane reports on the latest step in the 'peace process'

Taking up extreme opposition

21 Jun 2012

The victory of the troika's patsies in the Greek elections should be met with determined class resistance - across Europe, argues Paul Demarty

Grigory Zinoviev at his best

21 Jun 2012

John Riddell reviews: Ben Lewis and Lars T Lih (eds), 'Zinoviev and Martov: head to head in Halle', November Publications, 2011, pp229,

A blunder of historic proportions

21 Jun 2012

Voting for the Muslim Brotherhood was a vote for a party of counterrevolution, not the revolution. Jack Conrad examines MB's origins, ideas and evolution

Strategy and freedom of criticism

14 Jun 2012

Mike Macnair continues his review of: Daniel Bensaïd, Alda Sousa, Alan Thornett and others, 'New parties of the left: experiences from Europe', London 2011, pp202, £7

Be careful what you wish for

14 Jun 2012

As the next Greek elections loom, Paul Demarty takes a look at the lines being taken by the left and the current controversy in the SWP

Bolshevism and revolutionary social democracy

07 Jun 2012

Lars T Lih completes his series of articles on Lenin's view of the party question by examining the context in 1920 of 'Leftwing' communism

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