
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

'Official' CPGB History: Scotching the myths

10 Jan 2013

The history of the ‘official’ CPGB was much more complex than ‘tankies versus Euros’. This is the book-launch speech given by Lawrence Parker in December

SWP conference: Comrades in the SWP, rebel!

10 Jan 2013

The central committee was delivered a body blow at this weekend’s conference - but for dissidents the fight must go on, argues Paul Demarty

SWP: Expelled before conference begins

20 Dec 2012

Once more the SWP central committee has acted to silence critics and cut off debate, reports Peter Manson

Socialist Alternative Australia: Strange sort of unity

13 Dec 2012

Last month the Weekly Worker published a statement from the Australian group, Socialist Alternative, calling for a “new kind of left unity” (‘Solidarity in a revolutionary party’, November 8).

SWP conference: Crazy contortions of SWP central committee

13 Dec 2012

Following criticisms of the SWP’s culture and practice in the first two Internal Bulletins, the leadership has mobilised to rubbish opponents. Peter Manson reports

Anti-Capitalist Initiative:Up the Swanny

06 Dec 2012

The Anti-Capitalist Initiative hosted two events over the weekend of December 1-2. Mark Fischer was not impressed

Assoziation Dämmerung

06 Dec 2012

Susann Witt-Stahl explains a little about her political group, the 'Assoziation Dämmerung'

'Anti-Germans': Excusing capitalism of role in rise of Hitler

06 Dec 2012

Susann Witt-Stahl of the Hamburg-based Assoziation Dämmerung examines the enigma of the ‘anti-German’ Germans

CPGB History: Illuminating the factional struggles of the CPGB

29 Nov 2012

Mark Fischer welcomes the second edition of a book which uncovers some long-hidden history

UTR: Sectarian and philistine

22 Nov 2012

The SWP’s fear of genuine debate was on grisly display throughout the day. Peter Manson reports on the Unite the Resistance conference

April theses: Before and after April 1917

22 Nov 2012

The April theses represented Bolshevik continuity rather than a break, argues Lars T Lih. This is an edited version of a speech given to a London Communist Forum

HM conference: Theory in exile

15 Nov 2012

The ninth annual conference of Historical Materialism journal provides a snapshot of the academic left, writes James Turley

China: Apologia with racist characteristics

15 Nov 2012

Once again, laments Eddie Ford, the Morning Star prostrates itself before the corrupt Chinese bureaucracy

Australian SA: Regroupment in a revolutionary party

08 Nov 2012

Have the hard-line ‘Cliffite sectarians’ seen the light?

Socialist Party: On a publicity high

08 Nov 2012

In an interesting session on events in South Africa and the local CWI body the Democratic Socialist Movement, Peter Manson thinks that a more serious approach to the SACP is needed

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