
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

ULA blow-up: Legacy of sectarianism

28 Feb 2013

As the ULA stares into the abyss, Anne Mc Shane looks back at two years of cynical betrayal

SWP CC and theory: Self-serving dishonesty

28 Feb 2013

Do the Socialist Workers Party’s ‘stability’ and ‘clear perspectives’ result from its ban on permanent factions? You must be joking, writes Mike Macnair

SWP crisis: Silence of the lambs

28 Feb 2013

The ‘softly, softly’ approach of the Socialist Workers Party opposition contrasts with the leadership’s aggression, argues Paul Demarty

Comintern review: Not a school of strategy

21 Feb 2013

Mike Macnair reviews: John Riddell (ed), 'Toward the united front: proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the Communist International 1922'. Brill, 2012, pp1310, €200 (paperback also available from Haymarket Books, £39.99)

Programme and Party: Broad bad, mass good

21 Feb 2013

Opportunists require mushy politics and meaningless phrases when they set out to deceive. Jack Conrad argues in favour of a mass working class party and the kind of principles and politics outlined in the Communist manifesto, the Erfurt programme and the programme of the Parti Ouvrier

Socialist Party: Taaffe’s significant silence

21 Feb 2013

The Socialist Party in England and Wales appears to have decided to effectively ignore the SWP crisis. But why? Ben Lewis investigates

SWP crisis: Lynch mobs and lèse-majesté

21 Feb 2013

The Socialist Workers Party leadership is fighting a dirty war. Unfortunately, writes Paul Demarty, nobody seems to have told the opposition

Left organisation: Not another sinister sect

21 Feb 2013

The way the left organises is a nonsense, argues Nick Wrack. This is an edited version of his speech at the February 9 ‘Socialist Organisation and Democracy’ event in Manchester

SWP crisis: Twilight of the idols

14 Feb 2013

The central committee has once again failed to reassert control. But dirty tricks are inevitable, writes Paul Demarty

SWP and programme: Transitional regression ends in a hunch

14 Feb 2013

Is the so-called transitional method the road to revolution? Jack Conrad argues against the economism of the Socialist Workers Party

Owen Jones polemic: Babies and bathwater

07 Feb 2013

Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists thinks that Owen Jones has thrown out the democratic baby

SWP crisis: Green light for expulsions

07 Feb 2013

The opposition is about to be given a new lease of life, writes Peter Manson

SWP crisis: Programme and the programmeless

07 Feb 2013

Why do communists place such importance on their programmes and why does the SWP central committee expel oppositionists who advocate developing one? Jack Conrad begins a short series of articles

SWP:Apparatus gears up for war

31 Jan 2013

This weekend’s national committee meeting looks set to trigger a showdown, writes Peter Manson

SWP crisis: Professor Callinicos and the dark side

31 Jan 2013

Finally a member of the SWP central committee attempts to defend its conduct. Paul Demarty wishes he hadn’t bothered

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