
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

South African left: Attempt to go round already existing mass organisations

04 Apr 2013

Wasp might be able to sting the SACP/Cosatu bureaucracy. But, asks Peter Manson, can it become a mass party capable of leading a socialist revolution?

Anti-cuts movement: Frontism produces no lasting gains

04 Apr 2013

What can we expect from the People’s Assembly? Dave Isaacson looks at the June 22 build-up

Learning and struggle: Stalinism, sectarianism and Marxist education

28 Mar 2013

There exists a dialectical relationship between deepening Marxist understanding and the fight for a Marxist party, argues Paul B Smith

The left: Loach makes his bid for unity

28 Mar 2013

Can anything positive arise from the SWP crisis? Peter Manson believes it can if we stick to our principles

SWP leadership crisis: If you don’t talk about it ...

21 Mar 2013

Peter Manson thinks that the SWP leadership needs to stop doing its ostrich impression

Student elections: Campaigning for communism

21 Mar 2013

Communist Students member Callum Williamson reports on his campaign during the Univeristy of Westminster Union student elections

Chávez obituary: Man, myth and legacy

14 Mar 2013

Nick Rogers looks at the Bolivarian revolution of Hugo Chávez

Anti-war anniversary: Party with all-round strategy needed

14 Mar 2013

Moshé Machover looks back at a decade of anti-war protest. This is an edited version of his speech to the March 9 ‘Ten wasted years?’ school, organised by the CPGB

SPEW: Peter Taaffe and his own scandal

14 Mar 2013

Ben Lewis discusses SPEW’s version of ‘democratic centralism’

SWP factions: Two errors of the opposition

14 Mar 2013

SWP lynchers were emboldened by a weak opposition, argues Eddie Ford

SWP special conference: Apparatus uses fair means and foul

14 Mar 2013

Peter Manson asks what can still be saved from the SWP

Debate: Lukács reloaded

07 Mar 2013

Dealing with the complex legacy of Georg Lukács demands something more sophisticated than treating him as an honorary member of the SWP, argues Lawrence Parker

SWP special conference: Divided they fall

07 Mar 2013

The Socialist Workers Party leadership is attempting to divide the opposition. Taking the bait would be suicide, reckons Paul Demarty

Tusc: Let’s get this party started

07 Mar 2013

The current Tusc model has failed, argues Nick Wrack

Alex Callinicos: haunted by the real Lenin

07 Mar 2013

Ben Lewis observed few signs of ‘revolt’ at last weekend’s SWSS day school

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