
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

AWL review: Education or training?

01 Aug 2013

Mike Macnair reviews: Cathy Nugent (ed) 'Marxist ideas to turn the tide: readings and reflections on revolutionary socialist strategy'. Phoenix Press/Workers’ Liberty, 2013, pp138, £5

Socialist Platform

01 Aug 2013

Statement of aims and principles for the Left Unity party

Left Unity: Rules for flirting

01 Aug 2013

Dave Isaacson reports from Left Unity’s second national coordinating group meeting

Socialist Party Ireland: Not for the public domain

25 Jul 2013

Craig Murphy, a member of the Socialist Party in Ireland, reports on the resignation of four prominent comrades and the dishonest response of the leadership

Delta resigns: Now the rest should follow

25 Jul 2013

The resignation of Martin Smith was long overdue, argues Peter Manson

Democratic centralism: Further fortunes of a formula

25 Jul 2013

While the emphasis inevitably shifted according to circumstances, writes Lars T Lih, for the Bolsheviks democracy was just as vital as centralism

ISNetwork: Entropy, therapy and eclecticism

18 Jul 2013

The International Socialist Network is still trapped by SWP politics, argues Harley Filben

Not taking into account the specific conditions

18 Jul 2013

Another session on Leninism, another show-down. Sarah McDonald was there

Alex in wonderland

18 Jul 2013

Attempts by the leadership to portray the SWP as the only ‘Leninist’ organisation in town are totally at odds with reality, argues Ben Lewis

Democratic centralism: The genie and the bottle

18 Jul 2013

If you can loosen SWP restrictions on free debate on one occasion, asks Peter Manson, why not do so permanently?

SWP: How did this bloody mess come to pass?

18 Jul 2013

Marxism, the annual school of the SWP, saw a revamped opposition, reports Mark Fischer

Socialist Appeal: Waiting for the class to move

11 Jul 2013

Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists reports on Socialist Appeal’s third Marxist summer school

SWP: Opposition flexes its muscles

11 Jul 2013

The ‘leadership’ got its disciplinary vote, writes Paul Demarty. But then it pathetically backed down

SWP leadership: Laughable history produces laughable results

11 Jul 2013

Jack Conrad argues that the pre-1917 Bolshevik model of organisation should be properly studied and properly understood

Socialist Party/CWI: Rudeness and revolution

04 Jul 2013

The Committee for a Workers’ International should not insist on micro-managing debates, argues Paul Demarty

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