
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

LRC: Left in the dark

04 Jul 2013

There are rumours flying around about goings-on at the top of the Labour Representation Committee, the left-Labour umbrella group. Harley Filben peers into an atmosphere of secrecy...

AWL school: Missing the point

27 Jun 2013

Paul Demarty shares some brief thoughts on a session dedicated to debating the IS/SWP and its history

AWL school: Economism and frontist delusions

27 Jun 2013

Mike Macnair was at the Ideas for Freedom school to listen, to learn and to debate

People's Assembly: John Rees and the fragile politics of broadness

27 Jun 2013

Peter Manson reports on the launch of John Rees’s ‘united front against austerity’

Broad parties: Theories of deception

20 Jun 2013

The extent to which we practise transparency and democracy determines whether we can be taken seriously, argues Mike Macnair

Left Unity: Policy put on hold

20 Jun 2013

Dave Isaacson (Milton Keynes LU) and Michael Copestake (Sheffield LU) report from Left Unity’s first national coordinating group meeting

People's Assembly: A rough guide

20 Jun 2013

Who is behind the launch of the People’s Assembly? What are the aims and methods? Peter Manson looks at the personalities, politics and possibilities

Opportunities to grasp

13 Jun 2013

As the CPGB begins its annual Summer Offensive, national organiser Mark Fischer examines the state of the party and the wider left

SWP crisis: Offering token concessions

13 Jun 2013

As the crisis rumbles on, the SWP leadership admits it has gone through an ‘extremely bruising period’. Peter Manson reports on the central committee’s perspectives

Lessons of May 68

06 Jun 2013

Would there have been a revolution but for the betrayal of the official leadership in France? This is an edited version of a talk given by Mike Macnair at a recent London Communist Forum

To get out of the gutter, begin by looking up at the stars

06 Jun 2013

Should the left aim for a non-socialist stage of capitalism? A stage acceptable to Stalinites, trade union bureaucrats and left reformists? Ben Lewis responds to Tim Nelson of the International Socialist Network

What kind of party?: Illusion is the first of all pleasures

30 May 2013

Tim Nelson of the International Socialist Network calls for a broad party in which Marxists fight to build a revolutionary movement from the bottom up

SWP: In decay and in denial

30 May 2013

Peter Manson contrasts the speakers lists for Marxism 2013 and Counterfire

Anti-sectarianism, Polish style

23 May 2013

Maciej Zurowski interviews comrades from a Polish Marxist tendency, and finds parallels with left thinking in the UK

Dissecting the Platypus

23 May 2013

Where does “hosting the conversation” on the “death” of the left start and the actual opinions of the leadership begin? Corey Ansel looks at the enigma of the US-based Platypus Affiliated Society

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