
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Memory wars

17 Nov 2022

In the last of three articles marking the anniversary of the Russian Revolution, Jack Conrad looks at the differences between Lenin and the Old Bolsheviks in the spring of 1917

General election now?

10 Nov 2022

Much of the left is tailing Sir Keir and the liberal media in promoting the poison of presidentialism. Kevin Bean presents the republican alternative

Memory wars - Part II

10 Nov 2022

In the second of three articles marking the anniversary of the Russian Revolution, Jack Conrad explores the rival parties, class blocs and the differences that separated Trotsky from Lenin

Ukraine and the ‘left’

03 Nov 2022

When on earth will the DSA and ‘the Squad’ come up with a principled position? Daniel Lazare reports on the dismal failings of the US ‘pwogs’

Memory wars - part I

03 Nov 2022

In the first of three articles marking the anniversary of the Russian Revolution, Jack Conrad explains that Trotsky’s 1924 Lessons of October has been widely accepted as a right and proper account. Certainly, when it comes to the left, however, that orthodoxy needs to be overthrown as a matter of urgency

Tragedy second time too

03 Nov 2022

Yassamine Mather celebrates the current wave of mass protests, the youth, the bravery. However, lack of serious organisation, coordination and a strategic plan is a real problem that must be addressed

Follow the leader

27 Oct 2022

How did the original adherents of a fierce critic of capitalism end up praising rightwing nationalism? Paul Flewers gives the lowdown on a strange journey

Performative anti-fascism

27 Oct 2022

With the far-right Fratelli d’Italia forming a government in Italy, the SWP warns of the danger, but calls for … street protests. Mike Macnair offers a critique

Extreme opposition, not partners

20 Oct 2022

Treacherous calls for a Sinn Féin-led ‘left government’ should be ditched once and for all, urges Anne McShane

Something has to give

20 Oct 2022

Mahsa Amini’s killing at the hands of the morality police sparked protests in every province. The young, in particular female students and school students, refuse to be ruled in the old way. However, the Islamic regime seems determined to keep on using mass repression, fear and the cloak of religion, says Yassamine Mather

Right sets left’s agenda

13 Oct 2022

Victory for pale pink Lula would represent the defeat of Trump’s ally, Jair Bolsonaro, writes Eddie Ford - and therefore would be welcome news for Joe Biden

Uniting a motley band

13 Oct 2022

Andries Stroper reports on the first conference of a new socialist ‘party-in-formation’ and its prospects

Sir Keir’s good week

06 Oct 2022

The left is disorientated, in denial and still suffering from an orchestrated campaign of suspensions and expulsions. Kevin Bean calls for reviving Labour Against the Witchhunt and some serious rethinking

For whom the bell tolls

06 Oct 2022

The mini-budget fiasco and the humiliation of Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng holds sobering lessons for the national socialist left, argues Paul Demarty

Original takester

29 Sep 2022

It has been a strange journey from the Revolutionary Opposition to defence of the nation state and traditional values. Paul Demarty delves into Frank Furedi’s cheery new Substack

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