
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Did free speech allow the Nazis to come to power?

12 Feb 2015

Eddie Ford criticises the SWP for misunderstanding history and insisting upon the ‘principle’ of no-platforming

A well-ordered militia

05 Feb 2015

The Greens are under attack because of their ‘insane’ attitude towards the army. Meanwhile, observes Jack Conrad, the left continues its cowardly silence

Green-tinted glasses

29 Jan 2015

Despite the membership figures and the hype, notes Micky Coulter, the Green Party's increased popularity is not a sign of good times to come for socialists

What Kate did next

29 Jan 2015

Andy Croft (editor) After the party: reflections on life since the CPGB Lawrence and Wishart, 2012, pp224, £15.99

Dishonesty and opportunism

29 Jan 2015

The comrades are gearing up for a major electoral intervention. But on what basis? Peter Manson attended Tusc’s pre-election conference

Honeymoon or hangover?

29 Jan 2015

Initial euphoria on the left at the electoral victory of Syriza has given way to mixed feelings, notes Paul Demarty - but little sign of rethinking

Not fit for purpose

15 Jan 2015

Jack Conrad shows that the LU constitution internalises trade union defeats and contains self-defeating time bombs

Confusion abounds

15 Jan 2015

How has the left reacted to the Paris slaughter? Peter Manson has been taking a look

Charlie Kimber’s dream world

08 Jan 2015

Peter Manson looks back at the SWP conference

Left helps screw it up

08 Jan 2015

The left failed the test of the Miners Strike, argues Mark Fischer

Not in the Weekly Worker

18 Dec 2014

Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists attended the AGM for Greater London

How not to run a party

18 Dec 2014

NC member Yassamine Mather reports on the December 13 meeting

Being the extreme left in Left Unity

18 Dec 2014

CPGB members debated our work in Left Unity at its latest aggregate meeting. Daniel Harvey reports

Fantasy history, fantasy Marx

18 Dec 2014

Chris Cutrone’s arguments are characterised by dogma and vacuous circularity, writes Mike Macnair

Where left populism leads

11 Dec 2014

Those who have had such high hopes in Podemos will surely see them dashed, says Daniel Harvey

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