
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Heat, light and confusion

11 Jun 2015

Sheffield LU comrades have been debating with Tusc. Mickey Coulter reports

Standing in London’s elections

11 Jun 2015

Left Unity has been discussing and voting on its approach to the 2016 GLA and mayoral contests. Daniel Harvey reports

Stand under our own banner

04 Jun 2015

LU ought to contest the GLA elections, urges Sarah McDonald - including standing a mayoral candidate

The Goldsmiths ideology

28 May 2015

The rightwing press campaign against Bahar Mustafa puts the parlous state of student politics under the spotlight, writes Paul Demarty

A year in limbo

21 May 2015

On June 11 2014 Laurie McCauley was suspended from Manchester Left Unity for publicly criticising other members of the branch, but his case has still not been heard. He spoke to the Weekly Worker

Democratic dictatorship vs permanent revolution

21 May 2015

Did Lenin and the Bolsheviks lack a credible strategy? Jim Creegan replies to Jack Conrad

Some hard thinking is needed

21 May 2015

After the general election the left needs to do more than carry on protesting, argues Jack Conrad

A wasteful dead-end

21 May 2015

Left Unity should not agree to stand under the Tusc banner, argues Paul Demarty

Aspiring to what?

14 May 2015

Blairites are flying the flag for ‘aspiration’ - a subject about which they know nothing, argues Paul Demarty

No way to build a fightback

14 May 2015

Peter Manson comments on the left’s results and its delusional self-justification

Socialism will not require industrialisation

14 May 2015

The transition to a new society is possible, argues Mike Macnair

Inconsistent left nationalists

07 May 2015

SPS and the SWP may have refused to vote SNP, writes Peter Manson, but in effect they both cheered on its advance

Court protects Labour corruption

30 Apr 2015

After Lutfur Rahman’s removal as Tower Hamlets mayor, Paul Demarty calls for authentic local democracy

Thinking the alternative

30 Apr 2015

In his third article on the maximum programme, Mike Macnair argues that we can already see aspects of the social goals of communism in the present

No strategy towards Labour

30 Apr 2015

What is the left saying about the general election? Daniel Harvey has been investigating

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