
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Politics without the personal is non-politics

10 Sep 2015

Censuring the ‘bullying’ Weekly Worker for reporting events in Leeds is not what LU’s executive should be up to, says Micky Coulter

New foundations, new orientation

10 Sep 2015

Communist Platform has drafted the following motions, together with our code of conduct, disputes rules and equality policy. Comrades are urged to secure Left Unity branch support for them and our alternative constitution

Going into survival mode

10 Sep 2015

The weekend’s national council meeting failed to respond to the Corbyn challenge. Sarah McDonald reports

New generation of debate

03 Sep 2015

Last week Left Unity’s youth caucus has held its first day school. Daniel Harvey reports

Doing things differently or same old?

03 Sep 2015

Mike Macnair outlines the Communist Platform’s opposition to both word limits for motions and to a branch ballot to determine which should be prioritised at conference

A constitution fit for purpose

13 Aug 2015

The Communist Platform has agreed to submit an alternative constitution for Left Unity at the November 21-22 national conference, when a whole day has been put aside to discuss the question. The current constitution, widely regarded as being unfit for purpose, stretches to 6,000 words and the CP is proposing it should be replaced by this much shorter and more concise document

One shameful U-turn after another

13 Aug 2015

In the name of the ‘next stage of the revolution’, reports Yassamine Mather, the SWP and its co-thinkers are once again backing the Muslim Brotherhood

Socialism from below: a delusion

13 Aug 2015

We need to go far beyond slogans, urges Mike Macnair

Youth and students conference

13 Aug 2015

Callum Williamson reports on the progress of the Left Unity Youth and Student Caucus

Prioritise principle

06 Aug 2015

National council member Sarah McDonald points to two major problems concerning the November conference

No left turn

06 Aug 2015

Those who think the surrender of Alexis Tsipras will push Syriza further to the left are deluding themselves, says Daniel Harvey

Opposition in limbo

30 Jul 2015

The SACP grip over the workers’ movement remains strong, writes Peter Manson

Syriza and the left

30 Jul 2015

We need a real working class strategy, says Daniel Harvey

You can’t just sit and wait

30 Jul 2015

Critique editor Hillel Ticktin takes issue with the line of the Weekly Worker. He spoke to Mark Fischer

Sectarian anti-sectarianism

23 Jul 2015

The fallout from Greece and an attempt to boot out Workers Power have aroused passions in Yorkshire Left Unity. Mickey Coulter and Tina Becker report

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