
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

The misuses of Gramsci

25 Feb 2021

Quoted by charlatans to provide an air of magic, praised for his ambiguities, more revered than read: David Broder calls for a serious engagement with a political strategy that still has considerable relevance

Mario Draghi? No, thanks!

18 Feb 2021

The political establishment has put differences aside to support a government that is committed to making workers, pensioners and the petty bourgeoisie pay for the Covid-19 crisis, reports Toby Abse

We light fires

18 Feb 2021

One half of the Labour Campaign for Free Speech does not believe in free speech. They want a ‘free speech, but ...’ campaign. Jack Conrad explains why the left should champion the unrestricted right to organise, strike, assemble and speak

From symbol to failure

11 Feb 2021

On February 8 1971, 50 years ago, the geurrillaist left began its armed struggle by attacking a gendamerie post at Siahkal. Three police were killed and two comrades rescued. Yassamine Mather spoke to Ardeshir Mehrdad. He was a member of the Organisation of Iranian People’s Fadai until 1980 and later became editor of Iran Bulletin

Principle, confusion and hope

11 Feb 2021

Having looked at the birth and early years of the guerrillaist left in her first article Yassamine Mather turns to the internal struggles within the Fedai

SUPPLEMENT: Three waves of protest

04 Feb 2021

Feelings of injustice, a lack of rights and a sense of betrayal have become universal and act as psychological and subjective drivers of protest, writes Ardeshir Mehrdad. But how can protest be forged into a movement than can topple the regime?

SUPPLEMENT: Limits of guerrillaism

04 Feb 2021

Mohamad Reza Shalgouni was a founder-member of the Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran (Rahe Kargar). He spoke to Yassamine Mather about his strategic reassessment as a prisoner of the shah and experience of the revolutionary years of 1978-79

For or against ‘AGREEMENTISM’?

28 Jan 2021

In his third and final article in this series Lars T Lih analyses the duel over support for the Provisional Government that divided the Bolsheviks from the Mensheviks before Lenin’s return from exile in Switzerland

Disputed heritage

28 Jan 2021

The pathetically weak remnants have been marking the centenary of the Partito Comunista. Toby Abse reports from Livorno

Light and air

28 Jan 2021

Paul Demarty insists that unrestricted free speech is central to the communist project

Honing and updating

28 Jan 2021

Vernon Price reports on last weekend’s membership aggregate and the three debates over programme

Stay, fight and win

14 Jan 2021

Attempts to wreck the youth section have been met with a growing tide of resistance. Emil Jacobs reports on the ongoing battles in the Socialist Party (Netherlands)

Open and honest debate

14 Jan 2021

The CPGB’s first online winter school proved to be a real success. James Harvey reports

Socialism, nationalism and Ireland

07 Jan 2021

Before and during the Second International there were many different approaches to the questions of socialism and nationalism. In Ireland James Connolly banked on nationalists taking a positive attitude towards the cause of labour. In his next article Marc Mulholland will look at Ireland’s conservative revolution

Lenin in his own words

07 Jan 2021

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