
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Clarifying the Arab Spring

27 Jan 2022

Fouad Mami reviews 'The republic of false truths' by Alaa Al-Aswany (Faber and Faber, London 2021, pp464, £12.79)

Pink is the colour

27 Jan 2022

Despite supposedly bringing “feminism and gender perspective to power”, Gabriel Boric does not impress Eddie Ford. What sort of “candidate of the streets” supports laws criminalising street barricades?

No change of line

20 Jan 2022

Mike Macnair responds to Daniel Lazare on BDS, the Israel Jewish working class and the necessity of opposing the witch-hunt

Heroes and villains

20 Jan 2022

Lawrence Parker reviews 'The chronology of revolution: communism, culture, and civil society in twentieth-century Britain' by Ben Harker (University of Toronto Press, 2021, pp376, £63.99)

An uncertain situation

20 Jan 2022

Discounting the danger of Islamic reaction is more than stupid. Paul Demarty looks at the Kazakh uprising and the CSTO intervention

Six sessions of the best

13 Jan 2022

Ollie Hughes and James Harvey report on Winter Communist University 2022, where discussions ranged far and wide

Still no hint of seriousness

13 Jan 2022

The working class, humanity, cannot afford to wait till the next century before dealing with capitalist slumps, war threats and the actuality of ecological breakdown. Jack Conrad replies to Tony Greenstein

Red, young and programmed

06 Jan 2022

Ties van den Bogaard introduces Rood (Red), its struggle against an anti-socialist witch-hunt and its recently adopted programme

Self-declared heretic replies

06 Jan 2022

Tony Greenstein insists that the merging of LAW and LIEN is precisely the ‘twin-track’ approach that Jack Conrad advocates

Disarray over abortion

06 Jan 2022

Anne McShane looks at the right’s assault on abortion in the US, the DSA’s abstentionism and the shameful record of what still passes for the left

Getting BDS and DSA right

16 Dec 2021

Not surprisingly, last week’s article by Daniel Lazare, ‘Taking a pass on Israel’, has caused some considerable controversy. Thankfully, three well-informed comrades have written replies. Needless to say, our sympathies are fully with the critics

Something serious is needed

16 Dec 2021

It is clear that Tony Greenstein has abandoned any pretence of adhering to class politics: that is, the class politics of the working class. Jack Conrad defends the Marxist programme against those who advocate yet another broad-front halfway house

The future that ended

16 Dec 2021

Three decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the causes and consequences still elude most of the left, writes Paul Demarty

Fun and punishment

16 Dec 2021

Crazily, the government wants to intensify the cruel and unwinnable ‘war on drugs’. Eddie Ford, on the other hand, wants to call it off and legalise all drugs

Commemoration message

16 Dec 2021

As read out at the December 11 online meeting to mark the 20th anniversary of the death of an exiled Turkish revolutionary leader

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