
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Neither 1914 nor 1940

03 Mar 2022

Mike Macnair interrogates the bogus claims made by Paul Mason and Alex Callinicos about imperialism and the Ukraine war

Here we stand

03 Mar 2022

Not only must social-imperialists and social-pacifists be denounced: Jack Conrad calls for absolute clarity, when it comes to war and peace

Our sort of refugees?

03 Mar 2022

The Ukraine crisis sharply highlights the communist demand for open borders, writes Eddie Ford

A lesson in courage

03 Mar 2022

Anti-war protests in Russia give a glimmer of hope in a perilous situation, argues Paul Demarty

Blindness to empire

24 Feb 2022

As Russia invades Ukraine Britain’s social-imperialists rally to side of Nato. But for socialists the main enemy is at home, argues Paul Demarty

BDS: for or against?

17 Feb 2022

Israeli settler-colonialism and the appropriate solidarity movement with the Palestinians were debated at the February 13 Online Communist Forum. Daniel Lazare argued that the BDS campaign is a cross-class popular front which therefore should be shunned. Mike Macnair stressed the US alliance with Israel, attempts to outlaw BDS and the ongoing witch-hunt against anti-Zionists in the Labour Party

Perspectives 2022

17 Feb 2022

As proposed by the PCC and agreed by the AGM of CPGB members held on February 12

Charting the way forward

17 Feb 2022

We have suffered, and continue to suffer, from political fragility, but we have every reason to be confident about the future. James Harvey reports

Facts on the ground

10 Feb 2022

Eddie Ford argues that supporting Ukrainian self-determination, without taking into account Nato expansionism and the rights of the Russian minority, effectively means backing US imperialist interests

The police and standing army too

10 Feb 2022

The SWP is bad, but the CPB is worse. Jack Conrad critiques the cowardly, tailist, opportunist left and stands by what used to be the uncontroversial call to establish a popular militia

Rightwing ‘Marxism’- a senile disorder

03 Feb 2022

Michael Sommer’s 2014 essay 'Anti-Postone: or, Why Moishe Postone's Antisemitism Theory is Wrong, but Effective' has recently been translated into English by Maciej Zurowski (Cosmonaut Press 2021, Available on Amazon or in the Cosmonaut webstore). A more than useful contribution to the fightback against the ‘anti-Zionism equals anti-Semitism’ big lie, which finds its most ‘sophisticated’ justification in the pseudo-Marxist writings of Moishe Postone. Here is the introduction provided by Mike Macnair

Instrument providing direction

03 Feb 2022

There has been a much publicised inner-party struggle. Andries Stroper reports on the launch of the new draft programme of the Communist Platform in the Netherlands

Austerity socialists win

03 Feb 2022

The victorious Socialist Party is putting all its hopes in the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Plan, says Michael Roberts, and has no intention of ending the country’s dependence on French and German capital. Not surprisingly the left coalition partners were hammered

Plucky little Kiev

03 Feb 2022

Self-determination is not an absolute principle. We in the western left must train our main fire on our own warmongers, argues Paul Demarty

Remembering and forgetting

03 Feb 2022

James Harvey surveys the Bloody Sunday commemorations, speeches, articles and the left’s none too glorious record

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