
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Immediate demands

18 Oct 2007

CPGB comrades in London have been engaged in an ongoing debate over the contents of our Draft programme in line with the decision taken last year to update and redraft it, reports Peter Manson

Reply to Andrew Murray

18 Oct 2007

Amir Javaheri Langaroudi (Etehadchap Kargari) replies to allegations

From Andrew Murray

18 Oct 2007

This standard reply has been sent by Andrew Murray (Stop the War Coalition chair) in response to the emails and protests by HOPI supporters over the exclusion of the campaign

Reject exclusion of Communist Students

18 Oct 2007

Ben Lewis takes Owen Jones (Socialist Youth Network) to task over his enthusiastic support for the undemocratic exclusion of Hopi and Communist Students from the Stop the War Coalition

Socialism from below in Respect

11 Oct 2007

Longstanding SWP member Nick Bird has resigned from the organisation in protest at its lack of internal democracy and change of policy on Respect. He spoke to Peter Manson

Motions and nominations

11 Oct 2007

At the Stop the War Coalition annual general meeting on October 27, the CPGB urges support for the motions drawn up by Communist Students and Hands off the People of Iran and calls for the election of Ben Lewis and Yassamine Mather to the STWC steering committee

Factional property

11 Oct 2007

Issue number three of Marxist Voice, the journal of the Campaign for a Marxist Party, is a great disappointment, says Phil Kent

I've had enough

04 Oct 2007

Nick Bird reports on the SWP party council and announces his resignation from the organisation

Looking for pastures new

04 Oct 2007

As the SWP leadership poses left in order to prepare the membership for a future without Respect, Peter Manson calls upon the rank and file to rebel from the left

Vying for support

04 Oct 2007

Communist Students, the militant student group sponsored by the CPGB, is now one year old. Benjamin Klein reports on its growing strength

Under the carpet

27 Sep 2007

Mike Macnair reports from the September 25 AGM of Respect Oxford

Pots calling the kettle black

27 Sep 2007

CPGB national organiser Mark Fischer was right to appear on Newsnight to comment on the Respect crisis, says Cameron Richards

Now it must be counted amongst the living dead

27 Sep 2007

Respect's national council solves nothing. The rot cannot be hidden, says Peter Manson

Not in front of the children

27 Sep 2007

In private, behind the backs of the voting public and the working class, the SWP is said to have been circulating an 'information pack', which supposedly exposes the truth about George Galloway. Jim Moody demands politics

Sober up or spiral down further into irrationality

27 Sep 2007

The CMP's national committee clearly lacks legitimacy. Despite that, because of that, it decided to pre-empt our national conference and appoint a Bonapartist chair. A panic measure. John Bridge reports

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