
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Respect national council statement

27 Sep 2007

Make or break moment

20 Sep 2007

Here, the CPGB introduces its motions to conference - if you support them, sign up now!

Demise imminent

20 Sep 2007

Exactly how and when Respect will meet its end is impossible to tell, writes Peter Manson. But, judging by what the SWP leaders are saying, it is not long for this world

PC language and fudging differences

20 Sep 2007

Marxists should not be afraid to call a spade a spade, writes Mark Fischer

Leave it to the Taliban

20 Sep 2007

Phil Kent reports on the day school on Afghanistan, organised by the Stop the War Coalition

Has history refuted dialectics?

13 Sep 2007

Rosa Lichtenstein explains why she rejects dialectical materialism - the 'mystical theory Engels smuggled into Marxism'

More of the same

13 Sep 2007

Around 100 students gathered at London's School of Oriental and African Studies on Saturday September 8 for what was billed as a student Stop the War "conference". Nick Jones reports

Leading workers by the nose

13 Sep 2007

Our immediate task is to pose a political alternative to the existing regime, writes Mike Macnair, not wait for the 'transitional method' to produce soviets. This article concludes his series on 'permanent revolution'

George Galloway demands the scalp of John Rees - so do we

13 Sep 2007

Following the failure of the SWP to reach an accommodation with George Galloway, is John Rees now preparing for a final showdown at Respect's annual conference in November? Peter Manson reports on the latest developments

Smearing solidarity

13 Sep 2007

The issue of Iran solidarity has provoked controversy recently in the debates on Indymedia Ireland (www.indymedia.ie). Anne Mc Shane reports

George Galloway's rebellion rocks SWP

06 Sep 2007

Peter Manson looks at the civil war being fought out in the run-up to the November 17-18 conference

Spontaneity and Marxist theory

06 Sep 2007

What is the relationship between unorganised mass movements and the revolutionary party? Mike Macnair continues his series on 'permanent revolution'

Facebook censorship

06 Sep 2007

David Isaacson of Communist Students shows that the SWP stands opposed to debate and the free exchange of ideas

For a minimum programme!

30 Aug 2007

Continuing his series on 'permanent revolution', Mike Macnair suggests that the victory of workers' power through a democratic republic does not remove the distinction between the two parts of the communist programme

Coming home to roost

30 Aug 2007

The central question of Iraq simply will not go away for the AWL, says Mark Fischer

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