
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Hain and working class morality

17 Jan 2008

James Turley calls for accountability of elected representatives

Back to the future

10 Jan 2008

How do Stalinist and Trotskyist traditions influence our views about a national alternative to the Labour Party? Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group returns to the debate with the CPGB's Mike Macnair

Should the left manage capitalism?

10 Jan 2008

Uli Franke, a candidate for Die Linke in the Hessian city of Darmstadt, spoke to Tina Becker about the pressure to govern, the new tendencies emerging in the organisation and the need for more debate

Battle of the soul of SACP

10 Jan 2008

Whether or not newly elected ANC president Jacob Zuma is a criminal, just what is the South African Communist Party playing at in supporting him? Peter Manson reports from South Africa

Negative critique and positive alternatives

20 Dec 2007

Mike Macnair reviews the following books: - Phil Hearse (ed) Take the power to change the world (Socialist Resistance, 2007, pp144, £6); - Michael Lebowitz: Build it now: socialism for the 21st century (Monthly Review Press, 2006, pp127, £10.95) - Cliff Slaughter: Not without a storm: towards a communist manifesto for the age of globalisation (Index Books, 2006, pp314, �12.99)

Abandoning class politics

20 Dec 2007

The tensions in the Alliance for Workers' Liberty over the occupation of Iraq have disappeared from public view. Yet the opposition has found a new hook to express its discontent. Ken Crisp reports

Past, present and future

20 Dec 2007

The struggle to equip the working class with a Communist Party has been long, arduous but absolutely necessary. The theme of a talk given by John Bridge at Communist University 2007

What next for Campaign for a Marxist Party?

20 Dec 2007

Following the election of a new committee of which he is a member, Hillel Ticktin gives his thoughts on the tasks of the Campaign for a Marxist Party

Hegel reloaded?

13 Dec 2007

James Turley reviews: Sebastian Budgen Stathis Kouvelakis, Slavoj Zizek (eds) Lenin reloaded: toward a politics of truth Durham, 2007, pp334, £12.99

Shaky SACP tries to steer ANC

13 Dec 2007

Next week the African National Congress holds its conference, where president Thabo Mbeki is being challenged for the leadership by Jacob Zuma, who is supported by a faction of the South African Communist Party. South African socialist Terry Bell looks at the financial problems of the SACP and the party's role within the ANC

Posing left or defending principle

06 Dec 2007

David Broder, a member of the Alliance for Workers' Liberty, has responded to an article by Tina Becker on the campaign for democracy in the National Union of Students. Ben Lewis continues the debate

Powerful because it coherently explains

06 Dec 2007

Jack Conrad defends dialectical materialism against positivist critics

Crisis can no longer be hidden

06 Dec 2007

The crisis that split apart Respect is now enveloping the SWP itself. Peter Manson looks at the bitter debate within the organisation

Fresh start for Campaign for a Marxist Party

29 Nov 2007

In a rebuff to sectarians and halfway house supporters, the recall conference of the Campaign for a Marxist Party put it on a much sounder basis last Saturday. The tiny, unrepresentative Democratic Socialist Alliance faction that had dominated the committee for over a year, doing little or nothing, was replaced. Jim Moody reports

Programme debate continues

29 Nov 2007

CPGB comrades in London are continuing our discussions on the redrafting of our Draft programme and we are now coming towards the end of section three of the current version, 'Immediate demands'. Peter Manson reports

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