
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

I did it for my community

21 Feb 2008

Tower Hamlets councillor Ahmed Hussain has defected from Respect-SWP to the Conservatives, making them the official opposition on the council. He spoke to Jim Moody

Defeat the liquidators

21 Feb 2008

Communists should give a guarded welcome to the decision of the LCR to launch a new revolutionary party, writes Peter Manson

Looking good

14 Feb 2008

Partisans for the paper. Mary Godwin reports on the CPGB's February aggregate meeting

Is the party a halfway house?

14 Feb 2008

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group replies to the CPGB's Mike Macnair on the present roots of the national Marxist party in Britain

Roots of Stalinism

14 Feb 2008

Results of research in the Moscow archives throws up new insights on the post-revolution period. Phil Kent reports

Rowan Williams and SWP lies

14 Feb 2008

In Respect, Chris Bambery lied again and again. Secularism 'justifies' islamophobia, advocating secularism plays into the hands of those 'deliberately stoking up' islamophobia, etc. Yet now his Socialist Worker demands separation of church and state, writes James Turley

Conway scandal silence

07 Feb 2008

They just keep on coming - yet another financial scandal ripples through Westminster. James Turley looks at the facts, the lessons and the embarrassment of the SWP

Lies and more lies

07 Feb 2008

Misleaders of the SWP continue to try to deceive its members, writes Jim Moody

Rank and filism beckons

07 Feb 2008

Alan Stevens reports on the Organising For Fighting Unions London day school

No respect for socialist principle

31 Jan 2008

The story of Respect is nearing its end. Peter Manson looks back at the saga of SWP opportunism. This article was originally commissioned by the Russian journal Levaya Politika (Left Politics)

In defence of Popper

24 Jan 2008

Is Karl Popper an example of "intellectually dishonest anti-Marxism"? Bob Potter replies to Jack Conrad

Russia: Revival of class politics

24 Jan 2008

What will the departure of Vladimir Putin as president mean for Russian politics? What are the prospects for the working class? Boris Kagarlitsky of the Moscow-based Institute of Globalisation Studies outlines his thoughts and perspectives

Demands to win youth

24 Jan 2008

Discussing an essential component of our programme, CPGB comrades recently teased out some of the questions around the approach to youth. Jim Moody reports

John Rees must be crazy if he thinks Londoners will elect Lindsey German to the GLA

24 Jan 2008

The Socialist Workers Party leadership may have marginalised its internal opposition for the moment. But its strategy has been thoroughly exposed as an unmitigated disaster. Peter Manson reports on the SWP conference and the latest developments in Respect

Pantomime analogies, beanstalks and 'science'

17 Jan 2008

Would a Marxist party in Britain be a 'halfway house' on the road to a communist international? Mike Macnair responds to Dave Craig

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